Portal:Handbook/Expansion/Selected article/2
Now it's time to defend your island! In addition to enemy flags attacking, the Brigand Kings might take an interest in your island.

Flotilla map icons from left to right: Admiral Finius, Azarbad the Great, Barnabas the Pale, Brynhild Skullsplitter, Gretchen Goldfang, Vargas the Mad, The Widow Queen.
A Flotilla is where a Brigand King gathers his or her fleet at a league point on an ocean. Affected league points are visible on the world chart by an icon, a different one for each King. The league point node itself changes to have an icon representing which King owns the flotilla and is either marked in red for sinking flotillas or grey for non-sinking flotillas.
Flotillas act as a force, and may be attacked by passing vessels in an attempt to drive the King away to a different part of the ocean. Since Kings will declare blockades against islands nearby to their current base location, attacking the flotilla is a way to help prevent the nearest island from being attacked by them.