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Nolam is a pirate on the Emerald Ocean. He was created on the Hunter Ocean. Once ranked captain of Atlantean Uprising, he is now senior officer of the same crew.


Nolam was created as a pirate on August 22nd of 2006.

Nolam purchased his first sloop when he became an officer of the crew Bootyqueen's Revenge. He worked all day doing shipwright puzzles, one of the only crafting puzzles in the game at that point, to get his ship done. This raised his Shipwrightery skill to master.

He then worked hard to trade his sloop for a shiny new dhow, one of the new ships introduced to the game. He pillaged with it very often, changing crews to find one he liked. Nolam then hit 200 hours and became a greeter.

He then joined the crews whispering winds, and later Dirty Gummy Bear. Nolam later became a senior officer, but quit to create the crew Atlantean Uprising on July 29 2009. This crew joined the flag Saints And Sinners, the #10 Flag in the ocean at that time.

He later he sold his dhow to buy a merchant brig.

Shortly after buying an Emerald Sloop, Nolam retired from Puzzle Pirates.