Monthly Rewards Program

From YPPedia

The Monthly Rewards Program is a gift program for pirates who are subscribed or have purchased more than $9.95 worth of doubloons. For each month that an account meets one of those criteria the player can claim a special gift on one pirate. Some of these gifts feature the special color royal blue.

List of Monthly Club Prizes

June July August
GDCPrize-2010Jun.png GDCPrize-2010Jul.png MRPrize-2010Aug.png
Royal blue and white tricorne Royal blue pirate flag Royal blue poker table
September October November December
GDCPrize-2010Sep.png GDCPrize-2010Oct.png GDCPrize-2010Nov.png GDCPrize-2010Dec.png
Royal blue painted chest Royal blue skeleton table Royal blue fancy bed Frosty fir with royal blue ornaments
January February March April
GDCPrize-2011Jan.png GDCPrize-2011Feb.png MRPrize-2011Mar.png MRPrize-2011Apr.png
Royal blue carven table Royal blue crossed heart Gold armor with sword with royal blue accents Royal blue cherry tree
May June July August
MRPrize-2011May.png MRPrize-2011Jun.png MRPrize-2011Jul.png MRPrize-2011Aug.png
Royal blue Qing hat Royal blue sofa Royal blue lacquered table Royal blue sword rack
September October November December
MRPrize-2011Sep.png MRPrize-2011Oct.png MRPrize-2011Nov.png MRPrize-2011Dec.png
Royal blue crossed swords Royal blue skeleton chair Royal blue scarecrow Royal blue festive stockings
January February March April
MRPrize-2012Jan.png MRPrize-2012Feb.png MRPrize-2012Mar.png MRPrize-2012Apr.png
Royal blue sleeping hat Royal blue color wall lamp Royal blue katana display Royal blue cherry blossom banner
May June July August
MRPrize-2012May.png MRPrize-2012Jun.png MRPrize-2012Jul.png MRPrize-2012Aug.png
Royal blue hammock Royal blue clawfoot tub Royal blue bandolier jacket or epaulet jacket Royal blue shark banner
September October November December
MRPrize-2012Sep.png MRPrize-2012Oct.png MRPrize-2012Nov.png MRPrize-2012Dec.png
Royal blue vampiric candelabra Royal blue skelly chest Royal blue Guy Royal blue toy imperial soldier
January February March April
MRPrize-2013Jan.png MRPrize-2013Feb.png MRPrize-2013Mar.png MRPrize-2013Apr.png
Royal blue exotic carpet Royal blue fireworks barrel Admiral Finius doll Gretchen Goldfang doll
May June July August
MRPrize-2013May.png MRPrize-2013Jun.png MRPrize-2013Jul.png MRPrize-2013Aug.png
Vargas the Mad doll Azarbad the Great doll Madam Yu Jian doll The Widow Queen doll
September October November December
MRPrize-2013Sep.png MRPrize-2013Oct.png Social-MR-2013Nov.png Social-MR-2013Dec.png
Brynhild Skullsplitter doll Barnabas the Pale doll Royal blue chroma Royal blue crossed candy canes
January February March April
Social-MR-2014Jan.png Social-MR-2014Feb.png Social-MR-2014Mar.png Social-MR-2014Apr.png
Royal blue paint bucket Royal blue vase with wildflowers Tabletop model sloop Tabletop model cutter
May June July August
Social-MR-2014May.png Social-MR-2014Jun.png Social-MR-2014Jul.png Social-MR-2014Aug.png
Tabletop model dhow Tabletop model fanchuan Tabletop model longship Tabletop model baghlah
September October November December
Social-MR-2014Sep.png Social-MR-2014Oct.png Social-MR-2014Nov.png Social-MR-2014Dec.png
Tabletop model merchant brig Tabletop model junk Tabletop model war brig Tabletop model merchant galleon
January February March April
Social-MR-2015Jan.png Social-MR-2015Feb.png Social-MR-2015Mar.png Social-MR-2015Apr.png
Tabletop model xebec Tabletop model war frigate Tabletop model grand frigate Royal carpet (Widow Queen)
May June July August
Social-MR-2015May.png Social-MR-2015Jun.png Social-MR-2015Jul.png Social-MR-2015Aug.png
Sunset painting Royal carpet (Gretchen Goldfang) Royal blue Ming vase Royal carpet (Admiral Finius)
September October November December
Social-MR-2015Sep.png Social-MR-2015Oct.png Social-MR-2015Nov.png Social-MR-2015Dec.png
Royal blue tea set Royal carpet (Vargas the Mad) Royal blue Autumn Tapestry Royal carpet (Brynhild Skullsplitter)
January February March April
Social-MR-2016Jan.png Social-MR-2016Feb.png Social-MR-2016Mar.png Social-MR-2016Apr.png
Royal blue lit candles Royal carpet (Madam Yu Jian) Royal carpet (Barnabas the Pale) Royal blue Eastern bench
May June July August
Social-MR-2016May.png Social-MR-2016Jun.png Social-MR-2016Jul.png Social-MR-2016Aug.png
Royal carpet (Azarbad the Great) Royal blue monkey statue Royal blue parrot statue Royal blue octopus statue
September October November December
Social-MR-2016Sep.png Social-MR-2016Oct.png Social-MR-2016Nov.png Social-MR-2016Dec.png
Royal blue ippolito statue Royal blue skeletal monkey statue Royal blue serpent statue Royal blue raven statue
January February March April
Social-MR-2017Jan.png Social-MR-2017Feb.png Social-MR-2017Mar.png Social-MR-2017Apr.png
Panda plushie Penguin plushie Hedgehog plushie Rabbit plushie
May June July August
Social-MR-2017May.png Social-MR-2017Jun.png Social-MR-2017Jul.png Social-MR-2017Aug.png
Royal blue chameleon statue Fox plushie Pony plushie Sea turtle plushie
September October November December
Social-MR-2017Sep.png Social-MR-2017Oct.png Social-MR-2017Nov.png Social-MR-2017Dec.png
Royal blue dragon statue (familiar) Royal blue ghostling statue Pig plushie Seal plushie
January February March April
Social-MR-2018Jan.png Social-MR-2018Feb.png Social-MR-2018Mar.png Social-MR-2018Apr.png
Small dog plushie Royal blue spider statue Cat plushie Royal blue toucan statue
May June July August
Social-MR-2018May.png Social-MR-2018Jun.png Social-MR-2018Jul.png Social-MR-2018Aug.png
Elephant plushie Royal blue krakling statue Sea otter plushie Royal blue lobster statue
September October November December
Social-MR-2018Sep.png Social-MR-2018Oct.png Social-MR-2018Nov.png Social-MR-2018Dec.png
Gator plushie Royal blue skeletal parrot statue Sheep plushie Royal blue owl statue
January February March April
Social-MR-2019Jan.png Social-MR-2019Feb.png Social-MR-2019Mar.png Social-MR-2019Apr.png
Unicorn plushie Vampire plushie Tiger plushie Homunculus plushie
May June July August
Social-MR-2019May.png Social-MR-2019Jun.png Social-MR-2019Jul.png Social-MR-2019Aug.png
Pelican plushie Cultist plushie Dog plushie Werewolf plushie
September October November December
Social-MR-2019Sep.png Social-MR-2019Oct.png Social-MR-2019Nov.png Social-MR-2019Dec.png
Rat plushie Skelly plushie Wolverine plushie Yeti plushie
January February March April
Social-MR-2020Jan.png Social-MR-2020Feb.png Social-MR-2020Mar.png Social-MR-2020Apr.png
Kraken plushie Djinn plushie Banshee plushie Rumjug plushie
May June July August
Social-MR-2020May.png Social-MR-2020Jun.png Social-MR-2020Jul.png Social-MR-2020Aug.png
Triketos plushie Archelon plushie Dragoon plushie Gorgonyx plushie
September October November December
Social-MR-2020Sep.png Social-MR-2020Oct.png Social-MR-2020Nov.png Social-MR-2020Dec.png
Karkinos plushie Zombie plushie Dream sheep plushie Ghost plushie
January February March April
Social-MR-2021Jan.png Social-MR-2021Feb.png Social-MR-2021Mar.png Social-MR-2021Apr.png
Jack frost plushie The Widow Queen doll Large Gretchen Goldfang doll Vargas the Mad doll
May June July August
Social-MR-2021May.png Social-MR-2021Jun.png Social-MR-2021Jul.png Social-MR-2021Aug.png
Old Man Oyster doll Madam Yu Jian doll Admiral Finius doll Azarbad the Great doll
September October November December
Social-MR-2021Sep.png Social-MR-2021Oct.png Social-MR-2021Nov.png Social-MR-2021Dec.png
Old Salt doll Barnabas the Pale doll Velasco Thorsson doll Brynhild Skullsplitter doll
January February March April
Social-MR-2022Jan.png Social-MR-2022Feb.png Social-MR-2022Mar.png Social-MR-2022Apr.png
Rum Elf Doll Bat statue Madam Yu Jian Portrait Admiral Finius Painting
May June July August
Social-MR-2022May.png Social-MR-2022Jun.png Social-MR-2022Jul.png Social-MR-2022Aug.png
Gretchen Goldfang Painting The Widow Queen Painting Vargas the Mad Painting Azarbad the Great Portrait
September October November December
Social-MR-2022Sep.png Social-MR-2022Oct.png Social-MR-2022Nov.png Social-MR-2022Dec.png
Leopard doll Barnabas the Pale Painting Black Cat Doll Brynhild Skullsplitter Painting
January February March April
Social-MR-2023Jan.png Social-MR-2023Feb.png Social-MR-2023Mar.png Social-MR-2023Apr.png
Mother O' Nyght Painting Winged Cat Plushie Madam Yu Jian Bust Admiral Finius Bust
May June July August
Social-MR-2023May.png Social-MR-2023Jun.png Social-MR-2023Jul.png Social-MR-2023Aug.png
Widow Queen Bust Haunted Ghost Doll Vargas Bust Azarbad Bust
September October November December
Social-MR-2023Sep.png Social-MR-2023Oct.png Social-MR-2023Nov.png Social-MR-2023Dec.png
Gretchen Bust Large Vampirate Doll Large Mother o’ Nyght Doll Barnabas the Pale Bust
January February March April
Social-MR-2024Jan.png Social-MR-2024Feb.png Social-MR-2024Mar.png Social-MR-2024Apr.png
Brynhild Skullsplitter Bust Framed Ocean Map (Ice) Admiral Finius crest Framed Ocean Map (Viridian)
May June July August
Social-MR-2024May.png Social-MR-2024Jun.png Social-MR-2024Jul.png Social-MR-2024Aug.png
Widow Queen Crest Framed Ocean Map (Cobalt) Vargas Crest Framed Ocean Map (Sage)
September October November December
Azarbad crest

See also