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[hide]General Information
How he started the game
Kix is a player from the Miniclip website; one day, he saw this game advertised and thought that this game could be quite a challenge to be part of!
How he joined a crew
Kix has been playing Puzzle Pirates for a long time. He joined many crews and one day in the inn of Lima Island, he asked if there were any Filipinos present. Lordpoker answered "Ako pinoy, papalag?". Kix and Lordpoker talked and talked until Kix requested of him to find a crew for Filipinos like them.
Lordpoker eventually found a crew named Anak Bathala (God Spawn in English) that both he and Kix joined. Captain Nordenx promoted Kix to senior officer and he remains in this crew to this day.
Owns a shack on Lima Island where he is a room-mate at Natashal's row house.
Owns a cabin on Sakejima Island