Ianthekorean sails the Midnight Ocean.
[hide]Early History
The pirate, Ianthekorean, began his life on the Midnight Ocean on the island of Winter Solstice in the year 2003, during the month of November. After a few days of docktarting and navy puzzling, he became somewhat disinterested in the game and left the high seas for other interests.
Not-so Early History
Several months later, Ianthekorean returned to his life of piracy again, this time quickly finding his way into his very first crew, the Templars, captained by Honeybeard. The crew was oligarchic, the group of senior officers headed by first mate Vulvius. Having an affinity for puzzles, Ianthekorean quickly advanced through the requirements for then rank of pirate and then officer. He received officer training from Vulvius, experiencing his first taste of battle navigation. Successfully, albeit barely, completing his officer training, Ianthekorean was moved up to the rank of officer and given the title of sailmaster, due to having reached sublime sailing within a month.
He made many of his longtime hearties in this crew, including Jamesdoom.
A few months after joining the Templars, the crew joined the flag Elysian Fields. While in this crew and flag, Ianthekorean participated in his first of many blockades, including Zeta II, Zeta III, Jorvik IV, Luthien and Cnossos IV. His interest in participating in these was due to the fact that they were some of the first instances of the use of jobber pay.
While in Elysian Fields, Ianthekorean also received jobbing contact and executive officer blockade training from Quixaroo and had an alt moved into their blockading crew, Symphony of a Thousand.
Due to in-flag political issues and various problems related to the flag's original goal of blockading Namath, the Templars left Elysian Fields in 2005 and joined Jesters' Court. Around this time, Jamesdoom left the crew and flag for the flag, Notorious Fandango, planting seeds of doubt in the mind of Ianthekorean.
Sorta-Recent-but-Not-Current History
Following the loss of Turtle Island by Jesters' Court, and various in-flag tarting in response to the bazaar news post by Notorious Fandango's members, Ianthekorean decided it was time to try something different. Very different. He requested to join Notorious Fandango's crew, Hell Fire for Hire captained by Looseweed. He chose this crew, as it was the one Jamesdoom currently resided in. After some internal debate by the Hell Fire for Hire senior officers, Ianthekorean was admitted into the crew, and participated in Turtle V against his former flagmates.
While in Notorious Fandango, Ianthekorean experienced many more jobs and responsibilities in regards to blockades than he had had the opportunity to previously. He navigated his first war brig under the direction of Whitefire as a mercenary at Winter Solstice V with Caper's Capers. He also was an executive officer for the first time while in Notorious Fandango, and participated as a puzzler in many of their blockades and received his first and only injury, an eyepatch, during one of them. He also was given his first opportunity to act as king of a flag, by Redthepirate.
Recent History
Due to internal strife within the crew, Hell Fire for Hire, and the flag as a whole, Ianthekorean yet again followed suit leaving Notorious Fandango for Jamesdoom's new crew, Empires Fall. Sailmaker and several other prominent pirates also abandoned Notorious Fandango to join the newly formed crew, gaining them fame fairly quickly, causing them to be flag-spammed daily. In an attempt to counteract this, Jamesdoom formed his first flag, Rick Astley, as he was "Never gonna give us up, never gonna let us down, never gonna run around or desert us" in his own words.
Quickly finding that several crews were interested in joining Rick Astley, despite the name, Jamesdoom, Ianthekorean, and Sailmaker decided it would be best to changed to something more suitable, eventually picking Blighted. Ianthekorean had stayed with the flag since it's founding, performing various roles, including monarch before passing the torch onto others more capable than himself.