Fury of the Storm

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Fury of the Storm at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Roronoahzolo
Senior Officer(s)
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Tempest
merged with Arc Lightning who then merged with Rolling Thunder as of 31 December, 2006

Fury of the Storm was founded by Sputty on August 29th 2006, as part of the Rolling Thunder Experiment. It was part of the flag Tempest. When Sputty left to become Captain of Rolling Thunder, Roronoahzolo was put in charge of the crew.

On 10th October 2006, Fury of the Storm merged with Arc Lightning, another crew created for the Rolling Thunder Experiment as an arrangement to try and revive Tempest somewhat.

On 31st December 2006, Arc Lightning merged with Rolling Thunder.