Dwizzles is a Captain and politician in the crew Skeletons on the Emerald Ocean. Formerly from the Hunter Ocean.
- First pirate to earn the Gold Grand Frigate trophy
- Captain of the crew 'Skeletons'.
- King of the flag 'Illuminatti'.
- Commander in the Aimuari Island Navy in the Orion Archipelago.
- Former Lord of the flag 'Vexed Ronin'.
Dwizzles has been playing Puzzle Pirates since September of 2007. He considers himself to be a friendly person, and you can often find him XOing on Ben or Isaiasnaruto's war frigate pillages, helping crew members with trading runs, or sailing on elite sloop pillages.
His favorite puzzles are sailing, swordfighting, and battle navigation in which he holds a standing of legendary in each of them.
Lately Dwizzles can be found chillaxing in the 'Skeleton's villa, playing poker, and lazing. He also enjoys his daily fireside chats with fellow 'Skeleton's' officers Isaiasnaruto and Bigtasty. Dwizzles is most known for his great sense of humor and ridiculous scemes to rule the ocean one day. Dwizzles is also active in politics, especially Hunter parley.