Bigtasty is a senior officer and a Gunning Tart in the crew Skeletons and a member of the flag Vexed Ronin on the Hunter Ocean. He most enjoys running war brig pillages, allowing anyone and everyone to job. Bigtasty often feels like he has his green magnets on for the ridiculous ammounts of greenies that are attracted to his pillages. Despite the lack of skill and concentration onboard his pillages, Bigtasty is pround to be able to run successful pillages with half of his jobbers haveing green names. He is often seen as a hero and savior by the "greenie" race and wears the title proud.
Bigtasty is often faced with many challenges and gladly tackles them head on. He enjoys being an elite jobber in all piracy skills and continues to become better in all skills. He currently has 10 ultimates and plans to add more.
As of late Bigtasty has been helping his crew run their infrastructure and setting up blockades. While not moving ships or pillaging Bigtasty, like Dwizzles, enjoys calm, relaxing fireside chats in the Skeletons villa. There he likes to kick back and joke, tart, and even sceme about events and pirates in the hunter ocean.
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