Overkill (Malachite)

From YPPedia
Overkill at a Glance
Malachite Ocean
Last Captain Demonz
Senior Officer(s) Bibliophile, Bravly, Dankman, Lorddarkcola, Pudget, Tulsuna
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Fill in the Blank
Founded 4 December, 2010
Disbanded/merged w/ Wicked (Malachite) as of 14 November, 2016

Overkill was a crew that sailed the Malachite Ocean. The crew currently flies the flag of Fill in the Blank. This crew has either been disbanded or merged with Wicked (Malachite).


Overkill was created on the 4th of December by Demonz. The crew has spent it's whole life in the flag, Fill in the Blank, and wishes to remain in the same flag. The highest crew position has been 2nd (6th January 2011 - 25th January 2011) and is currently the largest crew in Fill in the Blank.

Public statement

We kill, Over and Over and Over again!

Extended public statement

Welcome to the Overkill Crewpage!

Hopefully you will find enough information on here to help you decide wether you wish to join us or not!


This crew was made to have fun and create PoEs! And this is what we are here to do. Wether you enjoy running your own pillies, or just tagging along, you are welcome to this crew, as we aim to run pillies, flotilla's, Cursed Isle, Sea Monster Hunt and Haunted Sea's Trips as well! If your a bit of a Card shark and enjoy sitting in the Inn wagering away, then you are welcome to just sit and chat with fellow crewbies here!


Now i know what your thinking, what rank will you be? Well why not have a look!?

Cabin person - For all alts, or punishment rank. Ye may be put here for the day for abandoning a ship, or demoted here until you pay back any stock you take. Etc. Etc.

Pirate - Everybody receives this rank upon joining. We strongly advise that you only buy a pirate badge if you are Master+ In gunnery, as you probably won't be allowed to gun on a pillage if you are below.

Officer - To gain this rank, you MUST have at least four broads in piracy puzzles, and either two distinguished stats or one respected. Before you can take a ship out on a pillage, you must know how to restock a ship, If you go out before this, then you will be demoted to Cabin Person for a day.

Fleet officer - These will be given to pirates that pilly alot within the crew. We expect these pirates to be broad in [[|sea battle|battle navigation]], and have some sort of stat there as well. You will be able to fully restock so trust will be needed here as well.

Senior officer - These will be hand-picked to help me run the crew. They will have alot of trust in them, and need alot of loyalty. Rank doesn't matter here, but they must have contributed towards the crew or the flag in some way. Won't be easy to obtain this rank.

Captain - I aint going anywhere fast!


Feel this is the crew for you? Then why not join us today! Any officer and above would be glad to welcome you to our fine crew of pirates, so why not send them a /tell? :)

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