Yarrby is a subscribed pirate that was the former captain and navigator of the crew Tigerleaf Royal Navy and king of the flag Imperial Fleet until the crew and flag disbanded. Then he created a new crew he named Unnamed Crew and a new flag he named United Saxaphone Players until it disbanded. Now he is senior officer and creator of Tigerleaf Armada and monarch of Fleet of Cobalt then, he was expelled in a captain change and Went to join Nautical HoodRatZ where he quickly gained ranks. He was a Fleet Officer when he left to go back to his 3rd crew that he made, Tigerleaf Armada where he is a fleet officer untill momgod agrees to promote him to senior. Mommgod was not very excited to see yarrby in the crew, and he left to form a crew titled Pirates Against Mommgod where he is currently captain. He is also an lieutenant in the Tigerleaf Mountain Navy.
[hide]Y!PP Wishes
- To be an Ocean Master
- To make a crew that joins the flag the Dread Ringers crew is in *Not Gonna Happen*
- To get an ippolito or a karkinos from Atlantis
- To govern a nicely populated medium or large island
- To meet an Ocean Master *Completed*
- To be the captain of the #1 crew and monarch of the #1 flag
- To get #1 in everything which will get him a very good trophy
- To win a familiar in a tournament
- To win a lifetime Y!PP membership to extend his piracy career to above and beyond
- To design an island that will be put on an ocean
- To become a Y!PPedia admin
- Former officer of Serenity
- Former captain of Tigerleaf Royal Navy (now disbanded)
- Former Monarch of Imperial Fleet (disbanded)
- Forner Captain of Unnamed Crew (disbanded)
- Former Monarch of United Saxaphone Players (disbanded)
- Former Captain of Tigerleaf Armada
- Former Fleet Officer in Nautical HoodRatz
- Current captain or Pirates Against Mommgod
Stall Management
- Drowen's Iron Working Stall - Quit - stall failed
- Drowens's Ship Building Stall - Terminated by owner
Gold Findings
- 8/20/08-Sold for 12K
Event Participation
- Tigerleaf Mountain
- Bnaver
- No buoy won
- Not enough people to influence
- Sank almost instantly
- No buoy won
- Bnaver
- Labyrinth Moors
- first blockade as an official flag
- Got stuck in board
- Almost sunk in attempt to get out
- Succesfuly got out unsunk
Unknown Date
Team: Cyclops
Team: Lollipop Licking Lycanthropes
Rank: 2nd
Crews created by Yarrby | |||
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See also: Yarrby |