From YPPedia
Stricture is a pirate on every ocean but calls the Cobalt Ocean his home.
Pirate Status
- Captain and navigator of the crew Walk The Plank
- Prince of the flag Skull and Crossbones
Past Ranks
- Former senior officer of Twilight's Sabre
- Former lord of Impavidus Formido
- Former king of Walk The Plank
Stricture's Distilling Stall on Cormorant Island
Deryial's Distilling Stall on Fintan Island
Deryial's Tailoring Stall on Dragon's Nest
Deryial's Apothecary Stall on Dragon's Nest
Deryial's Weaving Stall on Dragon's Nest
Crabbycrank's Weaving Stall on Dragon's Nest
Crabbycrank's Shipbuilding Stall on Dragon's Nest
All Trinkets
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