Fine cloth is made at a weavery and is used to make finer, more expensive clothing than plain cloth. Items made with fine cloth generally last longer before decaying.
Recipes & colors
Each recipe creates ten (10) units of fine cloth.
Fine cloth is needed for the production and/or construction of:
- Atlantean banner (10 white, 5 lemon)
- Armor with spear (2 any, 1 any)
- Armor with sword (2 any, 1 any)
- Carven chair (2 grey)
- Cashbox (2 red)
- Coat rack (4 any, 3 any)
- Color wall lamp (2 any)
- Crest tapestry (10 any, 5 any)
- Crossed heart (3 any, 1 any)
- Exotic canopy bed (50 any, 30 any)
- Exotic carpet (15 any, 10 any)
- Fancy bed (10 any, 5 any)
- Fancy meal (1 any)
- Female rumble dummy (4 any, 4 any)
- Female swordfight dummy (4 any, 4 any)
- Festive candelabra (1 any, 1 any)
- Festive fir (2 red, 1 yellow)
- Flag tapestry (10 white)
- Frosty fir (2 red, 1 yellow)
- Guest book (3 any)
- Hanging eastern carpet (5 yellow, 5 any, 10 white)
- Heart tapestry (10 white)
- Holiday wreath (1 any)
- Imperial banner (10 white)
- Large pile of pillows (6 any, 6 any)
- Male rumble dummy (4 any, 4 any)
- Male swordfight dummy (4 any, 4 any)
- Mess table with runner (fancy) (8 any)
- Mess table with runner (plain) (6 any)
- Notorious corsair's throne (15 any)
- Patterned pillow (4 any)
- Paper lantern (10 any, 2 gold)
- Pet bed (large) (8 any, 6 any)
- Pet bed (small) (8 any)
- Pile of pillows (4 any, 4 any)
- Place setting (1 any)
- Potion cabinet (4 any)
- Rose wreath (1 any, 1 any)
- Sofa (7 any, 6 any)
- Striped chair (4 any, 3 any)
- Bandolier jacket (12 any, 9 any)
- Belt and bracers (5 any, 3 any)
- Berserker pelt (either gender) (6 any, 1 black)
- Bloomers (4 any, 2 any)
- Bodice (2 any, 2 any)
- Buccaneer hat (either gender) (6 any, 4 any)
- Buccaneer jacket (13 any, 7 any, 2 white)
- Buckle shoes (either gender) (3 any)
- Cape (8 any, 2 any)
- Captain's bandana hat (either gender) (4 any, 3 any)
- Captain's hat (either gender) (4 any, 2 any)
- Captain's jacket (female) (15 any, 4 any)
- Captain's jacket (male) (16 any, 4 any)
- Chainmail (either gender) (8 any, 4 any)
- Cockade hat (either gender) (6 any, 2 any, 1 white)
- Conquistador (2 any)
- Conquistador armor (5 any, 3 any)
- Corset (5 any, 3 any)
- Crown (5 any, 1 any)
- Curled boots (3 any, 2 any)
- Curled slippers (3 any, 1 any)
- Diving helmet (male) (2 any)
- Dress top (3 any, 1 any)
- Epaulet jacket (12 any, 9 any)
- Fancy boots (either gender) (4 any, 1 any)
- Feathered hat (female) (2 any)
- Feathered hat (male) (5 any, 5 any)
- Flare pants (4 any, 1 any)
- Frilly shirt with sash (female) (2 any, 2 any, 3 white)
- Frilly shirt with sash (male) (5 any, 2 any)
- Gown (5 any, 4 any)
- Jerkin (4 any, 3 any)
- Kilt (10 any, 10 any, 1 black)
- Laurel (1 any, 1 any)
- Midriff blouse with scarf (2 any, 3 any)
- Muffin hat (5 any, 3 any)
- Musketeer hat (5 any, 6 any)
- Ornate headdress (5 any, 1 any)
- Overlord helmet (2 any)
- Pantaloons (4 any, 1 any)
- Scarf (2 any, 2 any)
- Shako (either gender) (6 any, 2 any, 1 white)
- Striped shirt with vest (female) (2 any)
- Swashbuckler's jacket (13 any, 7 any, 2 white)
- Tabard (14 any, 4 any, 3 white)
- Tiara (5 any, 1 any)
- Tricorne (either gender) (6 any, 1 any)
- Tudor bodice (2 any, 2 any)
- Turban (2 any, 2 any)
- Valkyrie helmet (2 any)
- Veil (1 any, 1 any)
- Wide-brimmed hat (6 any)
- Wig (either gender) (5 any, 1 any)
Historical notes
Tilinka is credited with the original idea to create magenta cloth, as suggested in her forum thread: Tilinka's Ultimatum. To date, her third and fourth demands are still unmet.