Corona Reef (Viridian)

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Corona Reef
Viridian Ocean
Outpost island in the Jade Archipelago
Corona Reef (Viridian).png

Click on the map for a larger version.
Controlled by   The Crown  
Governed by   Thorn
Navy color   Blue
Information about this island's pets is unknown.
Outpost Medium Large
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Corona Reef is an outpost island located in the Jade Archipelago. There are two known routes from the island: Kirin Island and Lonelywood Lagoon.

Natural Resources

This island spawns hemp and madder.


Lime Wedge Resort
Corona Collectibles


Corona Reef is controlled by The Crown.


A rock next a palm to the southeast part of the island reads, "This island were fashioned by Nazdar."

Pay for Play sold Corona Reef to The Crown on the 30th of January 2006 for 500 thousand pieces of eight.


Corona I: 2005-7-16, Pay for Play took Corona Reef in a blockade contested by Shadow Company and Fear and Loathing, and was the first Viridian blockade requiring a fourth round. Fear and Loathing's absence from the blockade was made in agreement with the Ocean Masters due to an "accidental" war chest drop made by Sabreclawe, a new royal. The Ocean Masters compensated Fear and Loathing 5,000 PoE of the war chest value.

Corona II: 2005-9-11, Pay for Play defended Corona Reef from The Incredibles. The Incredibles did not seriously contest Corona Reef after round one.

Corona III: 2005-9-24, Pay for Play defended Corona Reef from Navy of the Dead by ramming the attacker's last remaining cutter with a war brig.