Cobalt Ocean

From YPPedia
Revision as of 17:22, 26 April 2012 by Aethera21 (talk | contribs) (More edits to reflect merger.)

The Cobalt Ocean was a subscriber ocean, before its merger with Midnight to become the sole subscriber ocean, Cerulean. Cobalt Ocean is now positioned, in its entirety, to the West of Midnight. There are three archipelagos, each with eighteen islands for a total of fifty-four islands. It has the same geography as the now-defunct Crimson and Viridian Oceans.

Garnet Archipelago Chart star red.png
Carmine Island^ Medium
Cochineal Island^ Medium
Crimson Island* Outpost
Diastrophe Island^ Outpost
Echo Island Outpost
Havoc Island Outpost
Jubilee Island^ Large
Mermaid's Purse Large
Moab Island Outpost
Napi Peak^ Large
Nova Island Outpost
Olin's Brow Medium
Pranayama Island^ Medium
Radix Island Large
Spectre Island^ Outpost
Stormy Fell Large
Surtsey Island Outpost
Windward Vale Medium
Jade Archipelago Chart star green.png
Conglin Island^ Outpost
Corona Reef^ Outpost
Dendrite Island^ Outpost
Dragon's Nest^ Large
Erh Island Outpost
Harmattan Island^ Medium
Hunter's Point Medium
Kirin Island^ Large
Lima Island^ Large
Lonelywood Lagoon Outpost
Olive Island*^ Medium
Prolix Purlieu^ Medium
Sakejima Island^ Large
Swampfen Island Medium
Terra Island^ Large
Typhoon Island^ Outpost
Viridis Island^ Outpost
Xian Rock Outpost
Onyx Archipelago Chart star black.png
Adder Ridge Outpost
Ansel Island^ Outpost
Cabo de Hornos Large
Charcoal Island* Large
Cormorant Island^ Medium
Fintan Island^ Large
Garden Cradle^ Medium
Hadrian Island Large
Kuhio Island Medium
Labyrinth Moors^ Large
Last Stand Hill Outpost
Oasis Island Medium
Polaris Point Outpost
Raven's Roost^ Outpost
Sapling Island Outpost
Tigerleaf Mountain^ Large
Whistler Island Outpost
Yax Mutal Outpost

* - denotes capital
^ - denotes colonized

Ocean History

Cobalt was the second subscriber ocean opened, announced on 2005-02-18 [1]. It merged with Midnight on January 31, 2012 to become Cerulean.

A brief Cobalt blockade history.

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