WingsOWisdom is a recurring participant in the Rogue OM Squad games. She has participated in several rounds, dating back to ROMS IV.
[hide]- 1 ROMS Playing Record
- 1.1 ROMS IV Lime, Townie, Victory, Survived
- 1.2 ROMS V Wild Mango, Designated Officer (pro-town), Victory, Survived
- 1.3 ROMS V.V, Townie, Loss, Banned Round 7
- 1.4 ROMS VI, Townie, Victory, Banned Round 6
- 1.5 ROMS 6.5: Wild Humor, Banana Republic Leader (neutral), Loss, Killed at Game End
- 1.6 ROMS 6.875: Pussycat, Townie, Loss, Resigned
- 1.7 ROMS VII: Neapolitan, Rogue, Victory, Lynched Round 7
- 1.8 ROMS VIII, Townie, Loss, Removed for Inactivity
- 1.9 ROMS 9.25: Mob Madness, ???, Ongoing, Alive
ROMS Playing Record
ROMS IV Lime, Townie, Victory, Survived
ROMS IV Lime was my first adventure into the world of ROMS. Many of the old salts were in the other game, Coconut, so it was a nice chance to learn about the game without a lot of the pressure that today's new players face. Unfortunately, the rogues ended up basically giving the game to the town, because of the three rogues, one banned them self and another basically gave them self to the town in a PM scandal.
ROMS V Wild Mango, Designated Officer (pro-town), Victory, Survived
While many will remember Wild Mango for the way the bunny circle took most of the fun out of the game, and how the game seemed greatly stacked against the rogues, I will always remember it for all the behind-the-scenes fun I had. I was the second link in the DO chain, with the other members being Argemone, Piplicus, and 7hranduil, although only Argemone and I were known to the public. Unfortunately, because the chain of innocence only ran one way (I knew Piplicus was innocent, but had no idea what Argemone's status was), there was only minor communication between us initially. At some point in the game, Argemone left on a two-week vacation. Around the same time, my role was confirmed by the role diviner, and I more or less ended up on the list of confirmed innocents (not quite part of the bunny circle, but they believed I was innocent). This ended up being the catalyst that would fuel communication between Piplicus, 7hranduil, and I.
So, while everyone else was tarting about being led around by the bunnies, we were running our own little circle, with one or two lengthy PMs per person per day. I think what made this much more fun that a true circle of confirmed innocents was that our circle was defined at the beginning of the game, and couldn't grow. Thus, most of our information that we discussed was information that we gathered from the thread (and were worried to address in-thread) or else any information we could gather from schmoozing (Piplicus was astoundingly good at this). I suppose it also helped that, for most of the game, most people believed that Argemone and I were the only DOs, so we were largely left alone by innocents and rogues alike. We also did a pretty good job of protecting our own. At the end of the game, Piplicus was perhaps the only role not publicly known (and even 7hranduil's role was not completely known, only that he was connected with the DOs).
And did I mention that we just had a lot of fun?
ROMS V.V, Townie, Loss, Banned Round 7
I'll be honest. In terms of my experience, ROMS V.V was pretty nondescript. Looking at the wiki reminds me that this is the game where Lyaka the rogue managed to convince the town to lynch two innocents in a special double-lynch round, and that this was also the game where the moderator, Sashamorning, quit in the middle of the game, and the sisters Jolyma and Taelac (both dead in the game at this point) ended up taking over moderator duties. But there's nothing that really makes this game unique to me.
I guess it was the first game in which the rogues thought I was enough of a threat to merit banning.
ROMS VI, Townie, Victory, Banned Round 6
Although I didn't ultimately contribute much to ROMS VI, I actually had a lot of fun. There were a few simple roles in the game (PWS, doctor), although I was just a plain vanilla townie. I'm not sure why, but at some point early on, I thought about how it might be useful if I could convince the rogues that I was the PWS. Initially, there wasn't much to my plan, other than to discourage public discussion of pro-town role strategy, for fear that the rogues might be able to use this information to their advantage. Perhaps I worked in a little more than that, too, because I ended up getting a PM from the PWS-alt asking if I was the doctor.
During the game, I ended up getting both very busy and rather sick, which deeply cut down on my play time. However, I was determined to use this to my advantage. I kept my posts rather quiet, trying to maintain an appearance of trying to avoid the rogues attention. Eventually, the real PWS discovered that Selgnij (who had been voting for me for "confrontation avoidance" -- with increasingly poor spelling, a true highlight of that game) was a rogue. Given the timing of events, the rogues still had a ban before the town would be able to lynch him. The rogues banned Shaimus, and Selgnij made it clear that the rogues believed he was the doctor, and that they knew the identity of the PWS, and they were the next target.
Since the PWS was supposedly without doctor protection now, I really hammed it up in this round. I tried to convey a sense of nervousness in my posts. To really seal the deal, in my last post after Selgnij's lynch went through, I tried to cram as many "I'm the PWS!" ideas into one post: A wishing for more time, a promise for more content in my next post, and my personal favorite, a wondering about whether the rogues were stalling (because if the doctor was dead like the rogues thought, and I was the PWS and already sent in my guess, I would know that the rogues were stalling on the ban). I guess it paid off, because sure enough, I was banned.
I was amazingly excited to see that I was banned, because it meant that my work had paid off, and I had managed to reasonably convince the rogues that I was the PWS (as from comments after my death, I apparently had Sasha's suspicion too). Also, it meant that I didn't have to worry about the game anymore, which was nice because I really didn't have the time to play it (I considered resigning on three separate occasions). The down side to this was that without adequate time, all of my suspicious were rather half-baked, which I think misled the town a bit as they tried to analyze my work. I had a short ban scene written up that basically said that I knew the rogues were coming for me (so sort of implying that I was the PWS). Taelac, the real PWS, ended up thanking me via PM for that. Of course, I was just proud that I'd managed to throw in a sneaky me-as-rogue-bait metaphor in the scene. And then the real kicker was that Shaimus wasn't the doctor, so between the two of us, we'd completely confused the rogues. It was just a shame that the real doctor randomly took protection off of Taelac in the next round, and the rogues just so happened to ban Taelac at the same time.
If all that crazy rogue-deceiving wasn't enough, there was apparently some controversy behind the scenes that compromised the rogues (or something). The ultimate decision was to add in a re-balancing measure of some sort. I later found out that it would be in the form of another role, and that I had actually been selected for this role. The moderators just wanted to wait a little bit to make it less obvious that the role was connected to the re-balancing. So, if I had not been banned at that point, I would have ended up getting the role. Not a bad game, if you ask me, because that means that if I had failed in my plot to convince the rogues I was the PWS, I still would have gotten a role. I could live with either scenario.
ROMS 6.5: Wild Humor, Banana Republic Leader (neutral), Loss, Killed at Game End
Wild Humor was both a fun and a frustrating game. I ended up being one of four Banana Republic Leaders, with the ultimate goal of simply being alive when the game ended. Unfortunately, one of the other neutral factions won the game in a way that killed most of the players, so I ended up losing this one. Anyway, as a Banana Republic Leader, I had the opportunity to build up a supply of tactical nukes by voting for Pass and including the word "stockpile" (or "stock" and "pile" with nothing but punctuation in between) in that post.
I was initially upset about the role, because the nukes could only be used upon my death (so when I lost), but I decided to play aggressively. I was going to stockpile in every single round (because you could only stockpile once per round). In order to disguise the fact that I would be voting for Pass every single round, I ended up pretending to have some sort of Vote Crazy role. I pretended that I had to vote for a person. In my next post, I had to unvote this. In the next post, I had to vote for Pass. And then I had to unvote that. All of my posts during the day followed this pattern. I think people thought I was sketchy and crazy at first (combine that with a rather incriminating booch on the first day, too), but eventually they "figured out" that it was related to my role. I also refused to acknowledge the pattern directly, claiming to be indecisive if necessary. If I had known that I was going to use this pattern, I would have requested a fake role of Indecisive, so that my behavior matched the information from the clues better.
The only problem with my weird voting was that I often didn't post enough during the day cycle to get to the part of the pattern where I could vote for Pass. As a result, I resorted to double, triple, or occasionally quadruple posting, pretending to forget something in my post. At the same time, I missed a lot of early votes, so I tried to make an effort to end on a vote for a person at the end of the round. I think this helped justify a lot of my multi-posting, even if I never came out and said that's what it was for. At the same time, all the crazy voting often got me off the hook for not really hunting for any rogues (because as a neutral, I could really care less). I could just make up a silly reason for voting, and someone eventually pointed out that I was probably just voting because I had to, rather than because I actually found them suspicious. That was nice.
Hiding the word stockpile in my posts was never much of a problem. I also managed to throw in a line from Total Eclipse of the Heart. I had thought it was not very well hidden at all, but Lyaka apparently thought I was genuine (which then made me feel bad, because the line made it seem like I was depressed or something).
While my early-game booch convinced most people to steer far clear of me, Sashammorning/The Joker discussed some mutual Anti-Computer group. At the time, I was quite afraid of being lynched if discovered, but I think the game would have been more fun if I had agreed. Outside of that, I ended up getting involved in two different conspiracy plots. The first plot was trying to convince a Hunter to kill me, in the hopes that I would use my nukes to revenge-kill The Computer. The second plot involved AhoyLindsay, a Hunter, asking me for information to kill a Banana Republic Leader who was part of the first conspiracy group. The first group was not successful, but the second group was. I even got to (very lamely) spread information that the other Hunter (Prosperity) was looking to shoot one of the Banana Republic Leaders.
ROMS 6.875: Pussycat, Townie, Loss, Resigned
Due to some unusual circumstances, ROMS 6.785 was actually run in the middle of ROMS 6.5. I had signed up for the game, but was apparently too busy to handle the speed game. I gave out a proxy while I tried to tackle school work or whatever it was keeping me busy, but when I came back, there were simply too many posts for me to catch up on. I tried to read them all in a day or two, but ultimately gave up and resigned. I didn't like doing it, but it was for the best.
ROMS VII: Neapolitan, Rogue, Victory, Lynched Round 7
ROMS VII was my first game as a rogue. I'm very much glad that I was a rogue, because it was a welcome change to my ROMS playstyle, and at the very least helped delay ROMS burnout. Regardless of the outcome of the game, I had a lot of fun. First, it was nice to belong to a group, where the other members of the group knew and trusted me. Second, it was really nice to have somewhere where I could post whatever I wanted. I didn't have to worry about content, or making sure nobody would find it suspicious, or anything. If I only had one sentence to contribute, I could post that one sentence without taking suspicion for deviating from my traditional one-post-per-day style. Third, I think we all got along really well, which makes everything that much more fun.
Some people will say I wasn't a very good rogue. I'd like to think I wasn't overly obvious, but I ended up getting caught by a PWS/Diviner/Ailing Hacker/Whatever the heck we called it in this game. As soon as my name came up, several other people chimed in with suspicion of me. But whatever. Without the hacker role, I probably would have lasted at least through Round 7, which I think is pretty respectable for a first-time rogue.
Of course, if I hadn't been caught by the hacker, then the game wouldn't have taken such an interesting twist. See, just the round before, someone had been hacked as a rogue. However, they posted in the thread that it was part of their role to appear a rogue if hacked, but they were really on the town's side (which was actually true). They provided a screenshot of their role PM as evidence, and the town seemed to accept this, so they weren't lynched. The very next round, I was hacked. Some of the other rogues had been complaining about how the first player got off simply by posting a PM, and lamented that I couldn't just do the same. With a little suggestion, I thought I could come up with a reasonable argument about why one of the other roles, the Book-keeper, might be hacked as rogue. More importantly, I resolved to not give up. Getting hacked is a depressing death sentence. It's hard to deny it when an alt says you're a rogue, but do you gain anything by admitting your rogueness?
In what is arguably one of the most gutsy moves ever made in ROMS history, I faked a PM stating that I was the Book-keeper, and posted it in the thread. Of all my ROMS memories, this is by far my favorite. And for the most part, I was actually successful. I had a decent number of people convinced that I was indeed the Book-keeper. The problem was that, due to the nature of the Book-keeper role, some of those who believed me voted for me anyway. But it was darn close. The lynching vote came within five minutes of the deadline. But above all, it was *fun*. There is nothing like that style of play, pulling out every trick in the book, making bold-faced lies to the town, and to come that close to pulling it off was more that I could ever have dreamed of.
Of course, Neapolitan also included the Masquerade Ball for the first few rounds, in which I got to play as Grigori Rasputin. Who doesn't love Rasputin?
ROMS VIII, Townie, Loss, Removed for Inactivity
I felt really bad about leaving ROMS VIII, especially because I ended up leaving without a trace, but in the end, it was for the best. For me anyway. I guess I can't speak for the rest of the town. I ended up getting swamped in schoolwork, and that unexpectedly limited my time for posting. Two things ended up influencing my decision: 1) The thread was already dealing with Meeper, who was continually posting "More content later" short posts. I easily could have done the same thing to keep myself alive until I had more time, but I felt like I owed the town more than that if I was going to say in. 2) I somehow convinced myself that I'd rather leave from inactivity than bring myself to resign. I think it was just me procrastinating on doing the one thing I knew I should have done, because I find it hard to willingly leave, and I knew how much inactivity was hurting the town.
A week or so later, I came back to the thread to see that very few posts had been made since I left, which made me regret leaving. And of course, the town loss (which was really a massacre) makes me wish I'd done more to help my team. But unfortunately, real life didn't really leave me that option.
ROMS 9.25: Mob Madness, ???, Ongoing, Alive
ROMS 9.25 is a current game, which I am in. Check back here after the game for my thoughts!