Midnight Aurora

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Midnight Aurora at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Captain Monlizzy
Senior Officer(s) Jalexander, Keverrs, Rawnpawn, Rissarissa, Siren and Vantom
Organization All opinions count
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Imperial Coalition
Founded 19 July, 2005
Last updated on 30 July, 2008
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-Midnight Aurora.jpg

Midnight Aurora

Midnight Aurora is a crew on the Viridian Ocean created by 5 ambitious pirates and has grown to be a top crew in their ocean and a member of Imperial Coalition. They try to be friendly with all types, but do take the game seriously. They joke with their small family they've created. Always willing to have new members join their family, as well as job outside the crew to keep the game just that; a game.

Public Statement

We hope you like our crew. We are not so new anymore, but we are still growing. We like to pillage, chat and sword fight, but having fun is priority #1.

We have a few simple rules.

1. Only ask to join the crew at port.

2. No begging, cussing or spamming

3. Please don't leave during battle.

4. Listen to orders from the officers.

5. Ask for permission to board (PTB <ship name>) a ship before getting on. Do not hop onto a ship from the login screen.

If you have any questions please ask any officer.

Additional Rules:

1. Don't Panic.

2. Always bring a towel on pillages.

  • So long and thanks for all the fish.


Midnight Aurora was created by a band of officers from the crew Dark Legion. In a random pirate's shoppe, Ratoscurvy (Former Monarch of Imperial Coalition) gathered together Aloriel, Gagne, Kindred, Tigerfan, and Zavebe to name and create their new crew. Zavebe came up with Midnight Aurora, as they were a crew who emerged at night and pillaged into the waking light of Dawn. The other's happily agreed and thus, in the year 2005, on July 19th they were born. Monlizzy and Jalexander soon followed from Dark Legion and Siren, Pielover, and Itiscool, other former members of Dark Legion have since joined.

Since then they have grown and expanded, as well as lost valuable members. Of the original creators only Ratoscurvy remains (the others casualities to life or crew changes).

On November 1st, 2005, the crew Mischievous Monkeys Merged with Midnight Aurora. Giving them some wonderful additions to the crew.

Midnight Aurora has been a part of three flags. Firstly the Twisted Psychos, then left to join The Screaming Skulls, and when they found that didn't work Ratoscurvy helped create Imperial Coalition, which has proven to be very successful.

They are now, as a crew, currently supporting Imperial Coalition on Tigerleaf Mountain and Ansel Island.

In April 2006, Ratoscurvy stepped down as monarch of Imperial Coalition. The role was assumed Jalexander, senior officer of Midnight Aurora, before he too stepped down and the role was taken over by Monlizzy.