Cobalt Ocean

From YPPedia
Revision as of 17:14, 26 April 2012 by Aethera21 (talk | contribs) (updated to mention inclusion in Cerulean.)

The Cobalt Ocean was a subscriber ocean, before its merger with the Midnight Ocean to become Cerulean Ocean. There are three archipelagos, each with eighteen islands for a total of fifty-four islands. It has the same geography as the now-defunct Crimson and Viridian Oceans.

Garnet Archipelago Chart star red.png
Carmine Island^ Medium
Cochineal Island^ Medium
Crimson Island* Outpost
Diastrophe Island^ Outpost
Echo Island Outpost
Havoc Island Outpost
Jubilee Island^ Large
Mermaid's Purse Large
Moab Island Outpost
Napi Peak^ Large
Nova Island Outpost
Olin's Brow Medium
Pranayama Island^ Medium
Radix Island Large
Spectre Island^ Outpost
Stormy Fell Large
Surtsey Island Outpost
Windward Vale Medium
Jade Archipelago Chart star green.png
Conglin Island^ Outpost
Corona Reef^ Outpost
Dendrite Island^ Outpost
Dragon's Nest^ Large
Erh Island Outpost
Harmattan Island^ Medium
Hunter's Point Medium
Kirin Island^ Large
Lima Island^ Large
Lonelywood Lagoon Outpost
Olive Island*^ Medium
Prolix Purlieu^ Medium
Sakejima Island^ Large
Swampfen Island Medium
Terra Island^ Large
Typhoon Island^ Outpost
Viridis Island^ Outpost
Xian Rock Outpost
Onyx Archipelago Chart star black.png
Adder Ridge Outpost
Ansel Island^ Outpost
Cabo de Hornos Large
Charcoal Island* Large
Cormorant Island^ Medium
Fintan Island^ Large
Garden Cradle^ Medium
Hadrian Island Large
Kuhio Island Medium
Labyrinth Moors^ Large
Last Stand Hill Outpost
Oasis Island Medium
Polaris Point Outpost
Raven's Roost^ Outpost
Sapling Island Outpost
Tigerleaf Mountain^ Large
Whistler Island Outpost
Yax Mutal Outpost

* - denotes capital
^ - denotes colonized

Ocean History

Cobalt was the second subscriber ocean opened, announced on 2005-02-18 [1].

A brief Cobalt blockade history.

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