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Lilmizzrissa is a senior officer of the crew Squid Squad on the Viridian Ocean and fleet officer of the crew Swashbucklers of Sage on the Sage Ocean.


Lilmizzrissa started playng Puzzle Pirates back in 2005 on the Midnight Ocean. She made a friend with Ashdo but the friendship was short-lived.

Then in June, 2006 , she was reunited with Ashdo on the Viridian Ocean. She joined the crew Obscure Spirits where she met Langert, Prettyhr and Hamandcheese. Another close hearty to her was Kagan. The in November of 2006, Lilmizzrissa was deleted and Rissarissa was born.After the creation of Rissarissa, she stayed in Obsucre Spirits for a while until she went to Squid Squad for quite some time, where she went from Fleet Officer to Senior Officer in about 2 months. After being a proud member of Squid Squad when they became the number one crew in the ocean, she stayed there until she thought she could help Prettyhr make her crew and flag stronger again. With some great ideas to help make it more active!

Later on in 2007, Ashdo and Lilmizzrissa moved to the Hunter Ocean. She quickly moved up the ranks in Rising Mist. But due to fights with the crew, she deleted herself.

Then in early January, Lilmizzrissa wanted a change so she moved to Sage Ocean, where she named herself Queendenial. There she is currently moving up the ranks. Queendenial, first moved to sage due to Yargus, but it didn't work out after that. She then started to explore and joined the crew Dream Catchers but it didn't work out. She then joined the crew Xensity, and during a blockade of their allies, Notorious, she met up with Saluteme, where they became friends. Soon after that she joined Saluteme's crew and became an Officer. From there Queendenial made a crew called -Asj Dragons- and became a Lady of Notorious.

Lilmizzrissa plays all four oceans equally. With the help of the Ocean master Aphrodite she is quickly learning the ways of the sea. Saddly, Lilmizzrissa is down to playing only two oceans, Sage and Viridian. She is now playing under the pirate Queendenial on sage.

She is angaged to Desu and will marry him soon.


Hunter Ocean

  • Quit. Sadly isn't an accomplishment.
  • Senior officer of Rising Mist.
  • Former senior officer of the crew –Dark Lotus-
  • Queen of the flag Apricable Brisa
  • Former wife of Nelapoo since August, 2007..
  • Former captain of the Crew -Angel Ray-.

Viridian Ocean

  • lady of the flag Sea Wrath
  • Senior officer of the crew Squid Squad..
  • Former officer of the Unbreakable Metal Fleet
  • Former captain of Rising Mist.
  • Former senior officer of the crew Obscure Spirits
  • Former princess of the flag Shadow Company
  • Got the Golden canon trophy
  • Proprietor of 4 stalls

Sage Ocean

  • Fleet officer of the crew Swashbucklers of Sage.
  • Former captain of the crew -Asj Dragons-
  • Former lady of the flag Notorious.
  • Former officer of the crew Xensity.
  • Former pirate of the crew Dream Catchers.


  • Senior officer of the crew Crazy Train!