Difference between revisions of "Summery Mesmerism"

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m (Meridian)
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|date= July 2006
|date= July 2006
|owner= [[Onerichboy]]
|owner= [[Herieman]]
|managed=[[Lorenzot]], [[Fireflames]]

Revision as of 15:39, 20 September 2012

Right-facing Weavery (upgraded) on
Labyrinth Moors (Onyx Archipelago)
Meridian Ocean
Owner Herieman

{{Infobox building/managers-lorenzot, fireflames|managers=}}

Erected July 2006

Sew-Biz is a weavery shoppe on Labyrinth Moors. The building was originally called Sinis' Rope and was owned by Milkchan. It was renamed by its former owner, Ksb, in November of 2007 to Sails of Wrath, and was mainly used for supplying sail cloth to The Fleet of Armageddon at that time. The building is now owned by Onerichboy.

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