Difference between revisions of "Adrielle"

From YPPedia
Line 48: Line 48:
{{My trinkets
{{My trinkets
|trinket= Arrrmageddon 2006  
|trinket= Arrrmageddon 2006  
|primary= 3  
|primary= 3
|secondary= Viridian
|text= '''Phantom Chalice''' "Team Hexed Wrecks, Third Place, Arrrmageddon 2006"
|text= '''Phantom Chalice''' "Team Hexed Wrecks, Third Place, Arrrmageddon 2006"
Line 55: Line 56:
|trinket= Foot Brawl 2006
|trinket= Foot Brawl 2006
|primary= 4
|primary= 4
|secondary= Viridian
|text= '''Fourth Place Cup''' "Team Sun Kings, Fourth Place, Foot Brawl 2006"
|text= '''Fourth Place Cup''' "Team Sun Kings, Fourth Place, Foot Brawl 2006"
Line 62: Line 64:
|primary= 5
|primary= 5
|text= '''Mulled Wine''' "Team Vader Kersfees, Fifth Place, Santa Rampage 2006"
|text= '''Mulled Wine''' "Team Vader Kersfees, Fifth Place, Santa Rampage 2006"
{{My trinkets
|trinket= Fight Club 2006
|primary= 2
|secondary= Viridian
|text= '''Cross Belt''' "Team Dragon Doubles, Second Place, Fight Club 2006"
{{My trinkets/end}}
{{My trinkets/end}}

Revision as of 09:57, 17 February 2009


Adrielle is an amazingly cool pirate on the Viridian Ocean.


  • Captain and explorer of the crew Hell Avengers.
  • Queen of the flag Jewelled Seas.
  • Admiral of the Sakejima Island Navy.
  • Won an honourable mention for her entry targeting Hermes in the 2007 Valentine's Event [1]. The prize was a Hermes doll.


Adrielle joined Hell Avengers on her second night of playing Puzzle Pirates. She was recruited from the Sakejima dock. Since that time, Adrielle has been a loyal and dedicated member of Hell Avengers, believing sincerely that Hell Avengers is the best crew ever!

Working her way up through the ranks in Hell Avengers, Adrielle was appointed Captain of the crew when the previous Captain, Lenna, left the game. Through many tough times and awesome times over the last few years, Hell Avengers have remained strong, working together. Adrielle could never have done it without the help and support of this amazing team.

As queen of the flag Jewelled Seas, Adrielle expanded the number of royals and titled members, believing that the extra hard work of some members needed to be rewarded. Jewelled Seas has also recently been successful in several event blockades, claiming a victory on Adrielle's 21st birthday!

Adrielle has many amazing friends, crewmates and hearties, whom she treasures more than anything else. She also possesses several interestingly named vessels, including the war brig the Loony Plaice, and Adrielle's favourite ship of all, the Loopy Sloop. Adrielle also had a cutter, called the Butter Cutter (which was part-owned by Ellenya), but unfortunately, it was sunk in a flotilla.

Adrielle's favourite quotes include the Hell Avengers phrases of 'mash much rich ships', and 'team and mash'. Adrielle will usually be found pillaging the seas of Viridian with the amazing Hell Avengers, mashing much rich ships day and night. If she is not pillaging, she is usually in Atlantis, at the Cursed Isles, or stalking the job offers on the notice board - watching for Atlantis and Cursed Isles trips!

Adrielle was married for two years, to Therocketman, until he suddenly changed into a jerk and started treating her very badly. She dumped him in December 2008.

As well as collecting Easter Eggs, Adrielle has an extensive trinket collection, to which she is always looking to make new additions. She is currently trying to collect a starfish of every colour. Adrielle also looks forward to one day achieving her goal of reaching an Ultimate ranking in at least one puzzle (and her other goal of winning a familiar!).

Demeter Doll "Please don't stick pins in me!"
Item box unequip.png
Trinket-Demeter doll.png

Hermes Doll "Adrielle, thank you for your Valentine poem and portrait! February 2007. ~Hermes"
Item box unequip.png
Trinket-Hermes doll.png

Phantom Chalice "Team Hexed Wrecks, Third Place, Arrrmageddon 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trinket colors Arrrmageddon 2006.png

Fourth Place Cup "Team Sun Kings, Fourth Place, Foot Brawl 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trinket colors Foot Brawl 2006.png

Mulled Wine "Team Vader Kersfees, Fifth Place, Santa Rampage 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trophies Santa Rampage 2006.png

Cross Belt "Team Dragon Doubles, Second Place, Fight Club 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trophies Fight Club 2006.png