
From YPPedia

A self-portrait taken in December, 2005.

A Note About Me...

As a YPP player, I feel I must let you know that I am disabled, and this can get in the way of my gaming. In advance, please accept my apologies should I not react as quickly as the bulk of players. Thanks.

A Little History...

My in-game and forum name is Siouxdax, a fellow Puzzle Pirate, living on Lima Island, Jade Archipelago in the Viridian Ocean, and I've been a member since April 9th, 2004. In real life I'm known as Daniel, an artist and photographer living in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Locally, I am known as a Jack Tripper reincarnate and loveable rogue. I stumbled across this game back in 2004, when Puzzle Pirates was just a trial version that required subscription after a period of time. I've since rediscovered Puzzle Pirates in April 2006 and have settled into the Doubloon Ocean life.

Personally, I'm a thirty-year-old Jack Tripper reincarnate and loveable rogue, as I'm sure I've mentioned. I'm a former debt collector and skiptracer (a skiptracer is basically a bounty hunter behind a desk). In 2001 I had to quit working after being diagnosed with Addison's Disease[1]. The side effects of the medication, and the inevitable onset of diabetes and severe depression resulted in me having to collect disability. Five years later, now in 2006, I'm in worse shape than before I was diagnosed, oddly enough. But small things in life keep me going. I'm a freelance artist and photographer. Another little thing that brightens my life up is Yohoho Puzzle Pirates. I love being involved in the YPPedia and Forums, meeting lots of friends along the way. Yohoho Puzzle Pirates is a fun and challenging way to brighten an otherwise dull day.

Goals & Goings-On

Currently I'm broadening my skills, especially puzzles required for good pillaging. As far as Parlor Games are concerned, I'm fascinated with Treasure Drop, and am starting to delve into Drinking. My Swordfighting needs some help.

Recently purchased a row house on Lima Island and slowly starting to add furniture. I'd prefer a cottage, but I don't care for the locations on the islands that do have cottages. In essence, I'm trying to settle in and eventually start making some real PoE.

A long-term goal of mine is to become a Greeter.

Links To Me

My website
My YouTube Profile
My Radio Station! (Last.FM)
Me @ DeviantArt
Me @ UseFilm