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The Azure Monument
Managed to buy a sloop "gratefull haddock" (with the PoT "Pirates offline Topiced" crew) and a War Brig during his short trial in the late Azure Aera.
Loved to sail on board of Rudder Lubbers custom-named Grand Frigate Pillagings.
Took part on the first Black-Ship huntings.
Did not play any Puzzle Pirates for 7 years from May 2006 till February 2013.
Now left with 2 empty crews, 4 sloops and a lot of stalls all over the place.
- Sage: Pelican: Descartes Isle
- I am aiming to become a democratic captain.
- Joined Courix Crew: Sea Stalkerz Flag: Rogues of Sage for now.
- Pillaged with Lezzy Crew: Irish Rogues Flag: Rogues of Sage, was a long night.
- Met Magua Crew: Ocean's Fury Flag: Go with the Flow, impressive skills.
- Met Helystra and Calan Crew: Hell's Angels Flag: Hell's Wrath, ultimate but the infopage had logic errors.
- Bought a ship to be finished in 4 days. Bought some dublons for Poe and a Labor Badge.
- Bought 42 Dublons for 8,40 €. I like the Weak USD, maybe USA should switch to Poe.
- Joined Lezzy Crew: Irish Rogues Flag: Rogues of Sage.
- Darkstuff birthday easter ... party.
- Met Quazar Crew: Privateer's Flag: Go With The Flow in a 108k pillage.
- Lincoln Island is dark and has skellies on it
- Joined Privateer's Go With The Flow.Fleet Officer list: Quasar Hamm Pinanclee Zlojeb Jameshook Lorame
- Met Bolletje Crew: Shark Raiders Flag: Blaze of Glory and their huge crew.
- Ordered ship supplies. Ship will be done soon.
- Spend way too much time #with stupid swabbie battlenav training.
- Made the democratic crew Yarr the man now dog on the Sloop "Tricky Chub".
- The first pillage went relatively bad, did some basic errors, got horrible leaving crews and attacked by a good crew.
- Met Bullington from The Rogues of Sage to hearty me as a great sailor.
- Getting more ship supplies.
- Made a blue 5x4 block in swordfighting.
- Brotherhood of Team Brotherhood was helpfull in bringing me back to my abandon ship.
- Had some good pillagings. Won first PvP. All others got ruined by incompetent stickfighting idling jobbers.
- Met the black ship at a single empty blue ship but did not loose as much. The empty unlocked ship now gives trial officers a chance to try their luck.
-- 7 year break
- After 7 years of inactivity its time to rebuild everything.

Started on Hunter

masterpiece7 in Carpentry