
From YPPedia
Poker-Pot-4.png Caution! Caution! Caution!
This user has been known to make extreme amounts of poe and spend it all on pink pretty ponys! Beware!!

A++++ L Sk Zm !D !DT C++ P+++ Cp++ Bl-- Sa+ Gu++ N+++ TH—Sw S-- Al++ BS++ !Ta !We !TP SF+ Rm Dr+ TD? Sp++ SpN++ Ht? Bn+++ X+:+:+ B+ Sh++++ Pt $++++ Cl++ F+++ GD- FA+ Wki++++ Scr++ Bx-

What in the seven sea's is this??

Ouside the OceanMasters office:
Shh! Im tring to hear what the next release will be!

Spoiler warning: Details about the most visited site are hidden below.

Avatar-Jacky S -Instantflash PoE.jpg
Who Am I? Instantflash on the Viridian Ocean
Proudest Thing So Far Legendary Alchemistry

Captain of the crew The Demons of Rogoriz and prince of the flag The Wrath of Armageddon

Favourite Puzzle Alchemistry
Contact Me PM me on the fourms here or send me a message on Yppedia here!

About Me

Ahoy! My main character is Instantflash on the Viridian, and I am Senior Officer of the crew The Demons of Rogoriz, and a member of the flag The Wrath of Armageddon.

O.o Whats this potion-thingy? *gulp*

I love to get involved in pillages, and activites with my flag!

You can ususally find me at Lima Island, managing one of my thousands of stalls!

Im also very popular with editing Yppedia, and you can see me make new pages as well as make pages for the wanted pages list!

Also, as you can see, I love to edit pictures!


Just links for Instantflash's use.

New Images


New Pages

Wanted Pages
