Puzzle Pirate Code
From YPPedia
The Puzzle Pirate Code started in a thread in the Shore Leave forum. It is a Puzzle Pirates version of Geek Code.
Addiction Level (A)
- A- I'm a greenie
- A Yeah, I've subscribed.
- A+ I play a few times a week.
- A++ I play daily.
- A+++ I'm a lifetime subscriber, and have been since Azure.
- A++++ What's this "outside" they're talking about in Shore Leave?
- A* When I answer the phone, people greet me with "Turn off the pirate game."
- !A I don't have a problem. I can quit at any time. *twitch, twitch*
Alts (L)
- L- One pirate is enough.
- L I only play one pirate, though the other slots are useful for whisking, accounting, or other special purposes.
- L+ I play all my three pirates frequently.
- L++ I have multiple accounts to store all my alts.
- L+++ I have multiple computers because 4 simultaneous Java clients are not enough!
- L@ I have alts I use for camping purposes.
- LB-| I play an alt when I want to be incognito.
Skelly Hunting (Sk)
- Sk-- Skellies? what are they? and why is it so dark here?
- Sk- fought 'em and never won
- Sk my crew fights them when we land and discover skellies
- Sk+ I sometimes hunt
- Sk++ I hunt skellies at least 3 times a week
- Sk* I am in a skellie hunting crew
- Sk! I started my own skellie hunting crew and I refuse to give up even though there are now 40 skellies per fight instead of 5 and we all have sticks =P
Zombie Slaying (Zm)
- Zm-- Zombies? What are they? And why is their capitalisation booched?
- Zm- I show up for round two... just in time to watch the zombies die in the first match.
- Zm I'll fight zombies if I land and discover them.
- Zm+ I usually hunt zombies.
- Zm++ I hunt zombies at least 3 times a week.
- Zm+++ I hunt zombies every chance I get. If I have an idle moment, I check for the zombie mission.
- Zm* I am in a zombie slaying crew.
- Zm! I started my own zombie slaying crew and I refuse to give up even though zombie matches rarely go beyond the first round or two. =P
Ultimate Lists (Ult)
- Ult-- People who follow ultimate lists need to get a life.
- Ult- I don't care what my rank is in the ocean.
- Ult Checking ultimate lists are fun, I guess.
- Ult+ I like to see how I'm doing.
- Ult++ Every day I set my alarm for when the ultimate lists update.
- Ult+++ I have each ultimate list I'm on in a browser window/tab and autorefresh every five seconds.
- ?Ult I don't have any ultimates so I don't care.
- Ult#1 I must be #1 in everything I do.
- !Ult Where's the ultimate list for docktarting?
Dating (D)
- D-- I don't get this "pirate wedding" stuff. What do their real world partners think of that?
- D- My romantic life in the real world is quite fulfilling, thanks.
- D My significant other in the real world also plays Puzzle Pirates.
- D+ I have a real world life partner, but I also have pirate crushes that don't mean anything.
- D++ I have a pirate marriage that is independent of my real world affiliations.
- D! I met my significant other on Puzzle Pirates
- D!! I met my SO on Puzzle Pirates and we're together in real life
- !D Single here, single there.
- D:( I've been heartbroken too many times on YPP, so to Davy Jones' Locker with dating
- D* I flirt with anything that moves.
- D** I am Jacksparrow.
Docktarting (DT)
- DT-- I am RobertDonald
- DT- Docktarting's for losers. I swordfight / drink / pillage all the time!
- DT Eh, I docktart once in a while.
- DT+ I spend some time on the docks with a couple of buddies
- DT++ I spend a lot of time on the docks, especially at Alpha!
- DT+++ Nothing beats sitting near the docks for hours on end, doing absolutely nothing but making a fool of yourself!
- DT++++ I am Llama, Dora, Thesis, Inga, Adida or (insert notable dock-tart here)
- !DT I idle a lot, and I don't make a fool out of myself like those idiots in Alpha.
Crew (C)
- C- A real pirate goes where the booty is, and doesn't need a crew.
- C I'm a pirate in a crew.
- C+ I'm an officer.
- C++ I'm a Senior Officer or Captain.
Politics (P)
- P- Away with ye, foul demons!
- P I'm a social butterfly, but don't care about politics.
- P+ I'm flag royalty, and I love it.
- P++ I only play this game for the Social Puzzle (tm).
- P+++ I regularly check up on flags and crews blockading position I spend hours trying to decipher what they're up to
Duty Puzzles
Carpentry (Cp)
- Cp-- You can rotate the pieces?
- Cp- A pig’s breakfast is good, right?
- Cp I can keep a sloop out of the red.
- Cp+ Masterpiece ^10 and counting!
- Cp++ I solo merchie brigs by putting all my bots on sails.
- Cp* I am Janthina.
Bilge (Bl)
- Bl-- My ship has sunk and I don't care.
- Bl- I just can't shake this nasty case of crabs!
- Bl I bilge when ordered to.
- Bl+ I prefer bilge.
- Bl++ When I bilge, the red gauge can be full, but the blue gauge is always empty.
- Bl* When I am on, ye can only find me standing next to a bilge pump, else I am off.
Sailing (Sa)
- Sa-- But I wanna carp!
- Sa- What are these "tokens" you speak of, and what do you want from me?
- Sa I like the feel of the wind in my face
- Sa+ I can get a sloop to max speed in under 2 leagues
- Sa++ I can provide 3 tokens per round for a sloop
Rigging (Ri)
- Ri-- But I wanna sail!
- Ri- You wanna get groups of three to the corners, right?
- Ri I prefer sails.
- Ri+ I prefer rigging!
- Ri++ I make excellent/incredible every time
- Ri+++ I can clear a board in one move!
Gunning (Gu)
- Gu-- I'm Solid/Able, can I gun?
- Gu- I put three balls in each cannon!
- Gu It's powder, wad, shot, right?
- Gu+ I can load a cannon a turn.
- Gu++ I can load 4 cannons a turn.
- Gu+++ I'm all the gunner Kuibbles needs on a brig run.
- N-- Duty Nav is lame. Get rid of that scuppering puzzle.
- N- I don't really like to nav.
- N I've done it before. I'm ambivalent.
- N+ I like the nav puzzle.
- N++ Nav is awesome, but I don't have many routes memorized yet.
- N+++ I have at least two archipelagos memorized, and nav is one of my favourite puzzles.
- N++++ I don't remember what a blue dot looks like.
- N+++++ One ocean is not enough, if there's an ocean with a name, me and all my alts have it fully memorized.
- !N I'm not an officer, so I can't nav, but I'd like to try it some time.
- N* I am Tedv.
Treasure Haul (TH)
- TH:@ I press the TH button every time it pops up.
- TH-- If I wanted to bilge sideways, my monitor would be on its side, thank you very much.
- TH- You have to make vegases using lots of clicks, right?
- TH? What's a flotilla?
- TH:( I TH when I can, but I often never get to because people always abandon stations.
- TH Tried it, doesn't really excite me.
- TH+ Broad/respected
- TH++ I have solid experience, and I have a friend that regularly leads flotilla attacks.
- TH+++ I drive frigs into flotillas regularly. I'm ultimate
- TH++++ I sink my own sloops so I can treasure haul.
Crafting Puzzles
Shipwrightery (Sw)
- Sw? Sail 'em and let somebody else build 'em.
- Sw-- Why won't the white pieces move?
- Sw- My pieces get washed away all the time.
- Sw Look, Ma, I made a cannon!
- Sw+ The gold pieces are your friend.
- Sw++ I only make 5-piece items. Pfft.
- Sw+++ Vegas^3, baby while the flag is dropping! Too easy.
- !Sw I force my crew to get a job at my ship stall and make them shipwright. I'm too busy docktarting.
Distilling (R)
- R-- Real pirates drink rum, they don't make it.
- R- Umm. So light colours always move up and dark colours always move down, right?
- R I tried it a couple times.
- R+ I know how the pieces move, and I like the puzzle.
- R++ Make rum, not war.
- R+++ I see the puzzle board as a series of interlinking paths. Not only am I Ultimate, I am one with the Rum.
Alchemistry (Al)
- Al-- There was an update?
- Al- It's like Pipe Dream, except not fun.
- Al I've tried it. Whatever.
- Al+ Woo! I haven't had this much fun breaking Erlenmeyer flasks since high school!
- Al++ Double Double, Toil and Trouble!
- Al* I haven't slept since the update because I've been playing alchemistry nonstop!
Blacksmithing (BS)
- BS-- What's with all these numbers?
- BS- What's with all these chess pieces?
- BS I can clear some of the squares.
- BS+ I can usually make a finely balanced weapon.
- BS++ I can usually make a keen blade.
- BS+++ Masterpiece, every time!
- !BS The new crafting puzzle booched my ironmonger shoppe!
- BS* I was part of Project Knightfish.
Tailoring (Ta)
- !Ta The new tailoring puzzle booched my tailor shoppe!
- Ta* I was part of Project Platy.
Weaving (We)
- !We The new weaving puzzle booched my weavery shoppe!
- We-- Who needs fabric?
- We- How do you play this, again?
- We So... groups of four are cleared, right?
- We+ Double, Triple, Bingo!
- We++ Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!
- We* I was part of Project Haddock.
- We** I am Nickbush
Multiplayer Puzzles
Texas Hold 'Em Poker (TP)
- TP-- Uhh... should I play this? My friend says he wins money.
- TP- Played once or twice, I always lose.
- TP I play, win some money sometimes, lose it the others, and my skill level hasn't passed Respected yet.
- TP+ Why do they make those low bet tables? I always win, so I play the 200/2,000 tables.
- TP++ I almost always go to the highest table I can afford, and I'm really close to Ultimate.
- TP+++ Oh yeah! I'm winning millions of PoE from this, I always win, I am Ultimate most of the time, and I go to the highest table I can afford.
- !TP I'd rather be docktarting.
- TP? What is this Texas Hold 'Em? I have never heard of it.
Swordfighting (SF)
- SF-- Which end is the pointy one?
- SF- I am expert/able
- SF Fighting beats dock tarting
- SF+ I've won money in a Tourney
- SF++ I've beaten a member of Black Death
- SF+++ I'm in Black Death
- !SF I'd rather be docktarting.
- SF>* I am Complicated, Tedv, Kurosh, or Calais.
Rumble (Rm)
- Rm-- Owww, my face...
- Rm- How do you make combos?
- Rm I can strike and sprinkle
- Rm+ I can mess up some faces.
- Rm++ I can insta easier opponents. Thunk! Kapow! Crack!
- Rm+++ I've been booted from a Rumble table by Amethyst.
Drinking (Dr)
- Dr-- This puzzle is totally luck-based and requires no skill whatsoever. Learn to SF, ya pansies.
- Dr- Never tried it.
- Dr I've tried it in tourneys once or twice.
- Dr+ My Drinking experience shows up in bold print.
- Dr++ I am Ultimate in Drinking! Y'arrr! *hic*
- !Dr I'd rather be docktarting.
Treasure Drop (TD)
- TD? What are those sperm-like things over pirate heads in the inns? Eww.
- TD-- Treasure Drop is pointless and silly.
- TD- I lost poe exponentially in Treasure Drop.
- TD Treasure Drop is fun.
- TD+ I'm too impatient for cards.
- TD++ I can trick my opponent into giving me the points I want.
- TD+++ I can make multiple coins drop at the same time.
- TD ++++ I've earned a game's worth of points in one drop before.
- TD$ I double my poe by playing Treasure Drop. Bwahahaha.
Spades (Sp)
- Sp--- Isn't this hearts?
- Sp-- Oh, you WANT points. I see...
- Sp- Bags? What are bags???
- Sp Well, they replaced a table in the inn.
- Sp+ I have something to do while waiting for people to pillage!
- Sp++ I've stopped docktarting, and started playing Spades.
- Sp+++ There's something other than Spades?
- Sp++++ I started playing this game because of Spades.
- Sp* I only logon to play Spades.
- Sp** I got a friend to join because of Spades.
- Sp' I am Onyx.
- Sp'' I am Whitefire.
- Sp''' I am Nity.
- SpR? I am perpetually able because of my scuppering partners.
- Sp5 I only play 500 point games.
- SpP I only play at private tables
- SpO I am part of OA, Overbidders Anonymous.
- SpU I am part of UA, Underbidders Anonymous
Spades: Nilling/Setting nils (SpN)
First group is how you nil, second group is how well you crack nils.
- SpN-- What's nil? / My opponent nils with the ace of spades and wins.
- SpN- Blind nils are evil from beyond. / Why would I use high spades early?
- SpN I can blind nil with most hands. / I can set some blind nils
- SpN+ I nil with most bid 2 hands. / I can set some nils
- SpN++ I nil with most bid 4 hands. / I set most nils.
- SpN+++ I can nil with the ace of spades. Really! / I set Whitefire nils.
- SpN2 I've won a double nil.
Hearts (Ht)
- Ht? What is this bastard child of Spades?
- Ht--- So hearts aren't good this time?
- Ht-- I can't get past able, and the only person to blame is myself.
- Ht- I frequently earn 23 points a hand.
- Ht I enjoy Hearts.
- Ht+ I'm good at getting rid of the Queen of Spades.
- Ht++ I can Shoot the Moon.
- Ht+++ Playing for less than 5K poe is a waste of time.
- Ht++++ I only play Hearts. Pillaging is for greenies.
- !Ht I'd rather be docktarting. Grumble.
Seabattle/Pillaging/Blockades/Flotillas/Brigand Kings
Sea Battle (Bn)
- Bn-- I will order a greenie to bnav before taking the helm myself.
- Bn- Run away!!!
- Bn If I get engaged, I can handle myself.
- Bn+ I'm pretty good.
- Bn++ I am psychic.
- Bn+++ El Pollo Diablo's got nothin' on me.
- ?Bn I am not an officer, so I have no idea.
Pillaging/Command Style (X)
- X--:--:-- I only hire Legendaries or Ultimates / Say the wrong thing, and it's the plank for you, matey / My ship is a grim, humourless place, like a Dickensian workhouse or a cubicle farm.
- X-:-:- I have fairly strict hiring criteria / I'll plank ye if you score below Fine or if ye're distracting people / I occasionally chat, but more often than not I puzzle.
- X:: I take a look at the jobber's profile before I hire 'im / Lazers get the plank! / I regularly chat, but we usually stick to topic and don't get too distracted.
- X+:+:+ I'll hire anyone, but I'll keep a blacklist / It's okay to goof off a little on me ship, but NO CHALLENGES! / Our ship is a lively, fun place, and we don't think to stick to the task at hand.
- X++:++:++ I'll hire anyone! / Can't we just get along? / PAAARTAY!
- X?:?:? You mean we can hire other people? / What's 'plank'? / What is this 'fun' you speak of?
- X!:!:! I sail alone / Planking is EVIL / NO TALKING!
- X *:*:* I love cramming people into my ship / I'm a member of the Plank Club / You can't get me to stop talking when I'm sailing. Trust me, people have tried.
Blockades (B)
- B-- Why do you need an island? Just open some stalls.
- B- Not my cup of tea.
- B I've jobbed for a blockade here and there.
- B+ They're fun! I participate every time.
- B++ Blockades are the only true test of pirate mettle. Bring it, little boy.
- BP-) I have a disability.
- B$ To Davy Jones' locker with any of you scupperers who don't pay your jobbers.
Flotillas (Fl)
- Fl- Tried one, didn't like it.
- Fl I occasionally go on flotillas if there's nothing else to do.
- Fl+ I go once every week or two.
- Fl++ I go whenever I see it on the notice board. Flotillas are awesome!
- Fl+++ The reason BK's don't set up flotillas on my ocean anymore is because I kill them too fast.
- Fl! I only go on sinking flotillas. Nonsinking flotillas are for wimps.
- Fl$ I only go to Treasure Haul.
- !Fl I'd rather be docktarting.
- Fl:( I can't go on flotillas because my computer is too slow.
Brigand Kings (BK)
- BK? What's a Brigand King? Are they related to Burger King?
- BK-- I avoid them like the plague. They're too scary.
- BK- Not my thing.
- BK I've fought BKs before but never won.
- BK+ I've won against a BK before.
- BK++ Hooray trinkets! Gotta catch them all!
- BK+++ If you're not BK hunting then I won't pillage with you.
- BK* I have my own BK hunting crew.
Atlantis (Atl)
- Atl--- Atlantis is just a gimmick. Real pirates do blockades or flotillas.
- Atl-- Scout Triketoses give me nightmares.
- Atl- Mommy, save me from the fish men!
- Atl I've been there, but it's nothing special.
- Atl+ Die you evil turtles! Mwahaha!
- Atl++ I just lost four hours of my life but it was worth it!
- Atl+++ Atlantis is my only source of income.
- Atl++++ Just forward my mail to Flooded Sanctuary of Nereus.
- Atl? What is this "Atlantis" you young'uns are always yapping about?
- Atl! I came out of retirement because of Atlantis.
- !Atl I'm not a subscriber/I don't have a Bravery Badge so I can't go to Atlantis :(
- Atl& People never hire me for Atlantis because my stats aren't good enough.
- Atl% I purposefully sink sloops in Atlantis so I can get an injury.
- Atl:( My computer can't run Atlantis.
Defending/Dragoon challenges (Def)
- Def--:-- Defending is a waste of time. I'd rather be puzzling./Isn't that what defenders are for?
- Def-:- I only defend when I have to./Wow, those dragoons must be on steroids.
- Def:: I defend only when I'm feeling lazy or when there's nothing open./If I'm feeling lucky or my station is boring I'll take one-on-ones.
- Def+:+ I like defending because I don't have to puzzle./I can hold my own in a one-on-one.
- Def++:++ You want me in that fray. You NEED me in that fray!/I win one-on-ones most of the time.
- Def+++:+++ Just call me [your name here], Killer of Dragoons./I can win just by clicking Accept because they're so afraid of me.
- Def!:! Stop pulling me out of TH for a dang fray!/Dragoons suck.
- Def*:* I can't defend because I'm not ranked high enough in swordfighting./I never get to one-on-one because the captain never lets us.
- DefR:R Why can't these be rumble frays?/Why can't we rumble them? Swordfighting sucks.
- Def?:? What's defending?/What's a 'Bellator'? Isn't that some kind of Pokemon or something?
- Def??:?? I never go to Atlantis./I never go to Atlantis.
Citadels (Cit)
- Cit- Does anybody actually win these things?
- Cit We can keep it close but we end up losing.
- Cit+ I've been part of a winning fray before.
- Cit++ 70 dragoons? Pfft, mere child's play.
- !Cit Nobody ever wins these things. Scupper citadels.
- Cit* I love them even though nobody knows how to team.
- Cit? What's that donut looking thingy on the map? Can we eat it?
- ?Cit I can't do Citadels because I can't/won't go to Atlantis.
Atlantean Booty (AtlB)
- AtlB-- I'm complaining to the OMs because the game must be rigged, since I never get anything from Atlantis.
- AtlB- I always get old clothes that smell awful and make people avoid me.
- AtlB I get a decent amount of PoE and occasionally something useful.
- AtlB+ I've gotten some nice stuff in Atlantis before.
- AtlB++ I've gotten Atlantean clothing before.
- AtlB+++ I have wardrobes full of Atlantean clothing.
- AtlB++++ I've gotten a crab and/or a seahorse.
- !AtlB I always sink so I never get anything.
- AtlB:*) I have or have had a starfish on my face.
- AtlB? What are these "treasure chests" you people keep talking about?
- ?AtlB I don't get anything because I never go.
Shoppes (Sh)
- Sh- Never tried shoppekeeping.
- Sh It looks fun.
- Sh+ I run a stall.
- Sh++ I manage a shoppe or two.
- Sh+++ I own a shoppe or two, but have other people running it.
- Sh++++ I own shoppe(s) which I run like well oiled machine(s).
- Sh0_-===== Been there, done that, found sticking a fork in my eye more fun.
Portraits (Pt)
- Pt? There's something to do at the palace other than swordfight tutors?
- Pt-- What kind of pirate needs a bloody picture of themself?
- Pt- I'm too poor to afford 15K poe, I just use that free portrait mission to make myself seem richer.
- Pt I have a portrait.
- Pt+ I use my portrait as an avatar elsewhere.
- Pt++ I have portraits for all my moods/clothes/specialty items/familiars.
- Pt+++ I have group portraits, portraits of all my buddies, wedding portraits, holiday portraits...I AM PRETTY.
- Pt$ I buy portraits for other people.
- Pt* I've designed a portrait backdrop.
- !Pt I prefer user-created oog portraits.
Wealth ($)
- $--- I struggle to buy tan bandanas
- $-- Wow! The navy sure is a good way to get money!
- $- I can buy some things when I save up
- $ I can buy basic clothes as I want them
- $+ I can buy dark coloured clothes and I've saved up to buy a couple of ships
- $++ I'd say I live comfortably in the pirate world.
- $+++ I can have my pretty black clothes and ships waiting for me in every arch.
- $++++ Black clothes, black ships, warchests dropped left and right
- $+++++ There isn't a fam with a color combination that I do not own.
- $S? I own a stall or shoppe and I usually reinvest all of my money, so I really don't know anymore
Clothing (Cl)
- Cl-- I wear the rags I came off the Pollywog with. Clothes are a waste of poe.
- Cl- I wear all tan because it's the cheapest option out there.
- Cl I have a personal favourite outfit I always wear. I re-buy it when it dusts.
- Cl+ I have 2-3 outfits I wear regularly.
- Cl++ I have at least 6-7 of each clothing item type.
- Cl+++ I have over 10 of each clothing item type. I know who owns every tailor in the ocean. People call me a walking tailor rack. I have clothes to match every ship I own.
- Cl* I am Crystallina.
Forum/YPPedia/Outside Game
Forums (F)
- F- Keep me away from those forums. I like this game too much to let a bunch of tarts ruin it for me.
- F Never visited them.
- F+ I go there now and again to trade and/or to keep up with current events.
- F++ I read the forums daily.
- F+++ 100% USDA Approved Forum Tart.
- F++++ I am atteSmythe, Gotagota, homullus, or a name in the title of the Sideshow.
- F* I am Ramirojr.
- F** I am Diamondblade.
- !F What forums? I'm only here for the Sideshow.
Game Design (GD)
- GD- I tart frequently about things I don't like, but don't offer suggestions for improvements. Not my problem.
- GD I play the game. I don't make it.
- GD+ I make suggestions in Game Design, even if it is just a little feedback on clothing now and again.
- GD++ If you enjoy a game, it's your responsibility to give feedback. I am very active in Game Design.
- GD$ I am a developer or Ocean Master and don't need to dignify this with a response.
- GD$$ I am Cleaver or Nemo.
- GD* I am Faulkston.
Fanart (FA)
- FA! I just don't even try
- FA--- No, that's Nemo, and that's Edward! ;_;
- FA-- I have paint... I've scribbled out a few PP-related doodles.
- FA- At least people don't laugh at my PP art.
- FA I've gotten compliments for my creative ideas, but not so much the talent.
- FA+ I've drawn some PP fanart and I'm proud of it, and get a positive response.
- FA++ I draw PP fanart often and get lots of compliments and requests.
- FA+++ I've won Nemo's contests.
- FA$ I sell avatars for POE.
- FA$$ I make real money for PP art, in other words, I'm Nemo.
YPPedia (Wki)
- Wki--- I suspect Eris really left because of my petitions.
- Wki-- I've heard of Wiki...that's witchcraft, right?
- Wki - What was the address again?
- Wki I browsed it for kicks once.
- Wki+ I have a link on my desktop.
- Wki++ I have a personal link on Wiki.
- Wki+++ I've stopped playing YPP to support my Wiki habit.
- Wki++++ I think my computer's stuck on Wiki or maybe its just me.
- Wki* I am a YPPedia administrator.
Screenshots (Scr)
- Scr--- I would take some, but it's too hard to get the camera out.
- Scr-- I've never touched the PRT SCRN button in my life.
- Scr- I try, but I'm way too slow on the PRT SCRN button to take a decent screenshot.
- Scr I take screenshots if the joke's good.
- Scr+ My screenshots have their own folder, and it's constantly growing larger.
- Scr++ My finger might as well be on the PRT SCRN button since I press it so much
- Scr$ I have won Nemo's screenshot contest, or I've made money from them some other way.
- Scr$$ I'm the guy who takes screenshots of the game for Three Rings and distributes them to people
- !Scr Someone else can take the screenshots, because I'm not going to do it.
- Scr? You mean you can take screenshots? How?
Box Edition (Bx)
- Bx--- I now hate Three Rings with every orifice of my being for coming out with this.
- Bx-- I wish to burn any Y!PP Box Editions I see and crush the person who came up with the idea.
- Bx- This is obviously an attempt by Three Rings to rip people off.
- Bx It's ok, but it has its flaws.
- Bx+ I certainly like it. I give Kudos to Three Rings.
- Bx++ I would buy more than one if the effects stacked.
- Bx+++ I wish to buy any Y!PP Box Editions I see and hug the person who came up with the idea.
- Bx? What in the world is a box edition?
- !Bx I know what the box edition is, but not interested in buying it.
Ice Ocean (Ice)
- Ice? Why isn't Ice showing up on the list of oceans?
- Ice-- Watching paint dry is more exciting than this graveyard of an ocean.
- Ice- Nobody is ever on, so I don't go on it.
- Ice I go every once in awhile to see what's coming up soon in new releases.
- Ice+ I like testing the new stuff.
- Ice++ I pillage/puzzle there a lot.
- Ice+++ I subscribe to Puzzle Pirates just for the Ice Ocean.
- Ice++++ Normal oceans are a waste of time. Ice is the wave of the future, man!