Unnatural Disaster

From YPPedia
Unnatural Disaster at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Monarch Dalamar of Cloak and Dagger
Member crew(s) Booty Snatchers, Cloak and Dagger
Founded 16 October, 2006
dormant as of 3 March, 2012
Favicon.png Flag Info
Flags-Unnatural Disaster.jpg

Art-Wenchcleo-Unnatural Disaster 1.jpg Unnatural Disaster is a dormant flag founded on October 16, 2006 on the Viridian Ocean by Dalamar, Jeneva and Mich.

Royal court

The royalty of Unnatural Disaster consists of the three founders of the flag. All crews in the flag have a titled member who is the representative to the flag. Titles can also be earned through loyalty and contributions to the flag of time and/or resources.

Public statement

Drop us a line >.> <.< >.>

A natural disaster is a feat of nature that causes destruction among natural or man-made buildings, places, structures, etc.

We are that... + crazyness!

If you are interested in joining our flag or forming an alliance, please send a /tell to any royal. We would be more than happy to discuss this with you.

Just a note: Monarchy will only be assumed when we need a monarch, and will only be assumed in brief.