The List
From YPPedia
[hide]- 1 Warning
- 2 Distant Times (2002)
- 3 Fading Memories (2003)
- 4 Sweet Days of Yesteryear (2004)
- 5 The Recent Past (2005)
- 6 The More-Recent Past (2006)
- 7 The Near-Present (2007)
- 8 The Not-Too-Distant Future (2008)
- 9 The Undiscovered Country (2009)
- 10 The Lost Years (2010-2011)
- 11 Back to the Future (2012)
- 12 Phoning home (2013)
- 13 Historical Notes
- 14 See Also
First, however, a warning from the desk of the Captain himself:
Cleaver wrote: Oh my, I am very excited by our ideas here, but I am going to be tight-lipped...we don't want to set the expectations that 'all these fantastic things' are going to be in the game real soon now; even if we can see a clear *design* path to them, by the time we get to implementation other things may have changed, and it could be some time in the future. We just don't know, yet...[1]
Distant Times (2002)
- Yo Ho Ho! Instant Messenger
- Sea Monsters
Fading Memories (2003)
- Adventure Islands
- Cliff Guns in Blockades
- Story-Telling Carousing Game
- Player-Generated Music
- Inter-Ship Communication
- Repairing Ships in Port
- Rather than the existing resetting in port after 30 minutes (undisturbed), this feature refers to being able to speed the repairs while in port
- Nemo
- Nemo
- Nemo
- Nemo
- Player Production of Memorized Charts
- Route Discovery via Navigation and Cartography
- Armadas and True Multi-Ship Pillaging
- Sea Battle Board Variation (Already up in a way, in event blockades)
- Crew Bank Accounts
- Limited Inventory
- Pirate Notoriety
- Crew Forums
- Piratey Mail System
- Books In-Game
- Fine-Grained Crew Controls (flexible crew permissions)
- Monthly Plunder List
- Following Targeted Ships
- Recording Puzzles for Playback and Sharing
- Auction Houses
- Initially Consignment Shoppes were planned:
- However the consignment process was deemed too slow and auction houses would be more suitable
- Review of Player Naming Limits
- Earning Visible, NPP-Style Titles
- Island Paving and Customization
- Revamp the Full-Screen Chat History
- Extended Ranking Information
- More Complex, Player-Run Banking
Possibly superseded by the Global Purse
- Variation in the Duty Puzzles
Partially implemented via Rigging and Patching.
- Mutual Disengage Option
- Water Effects
- Improvement to News Posting Interface(s)
- Crowd Control Tools
- Cleaver
- Cleaver
- Bouncing players out of shops/stalls was implemented with the New Drinking release.
- Reworked Chat Circle Formation Code
- Storms/Hurricanes/Weather
- Cleaver
- Cleaver
- Storms that make sailing more interesting or dangerous, on the list. Weather as visual effect; not on the list.
- Nemo
- Long-Term Ship Maintenance, Repair
- Commodity Decay
- Flag Logos/Graphics
- Parts of Puzzle Pirates on cell phones and whatnot; also to a lesser degree of interest, standalone puzzles on desktop and laptop computers
Sweet Days of Yesteryear (2004)
- Arbitrary Chat Groups
- Island Minimap Matching Island Shape
- Record Number of Times Pirate has been Sunk on Info Page
- Surrender Option
- Group Tournaments
- Pay to Escrow Checkbox
- Insta-Brigand Skill/Size Variety
- Better Brigand AI (Always getting better, so, kind of done)
The Recent Past (2005)
- Poker tournaments
- Keyboard equivalent for the turn about button when sailing a ship and other functions
- Delivering orders directly to the rack (especially for Doubloon Oceans)
- Showing the colors of orders in shoppe or stall records (Not likely to happen soon)
- Alternate Tournament Structures
- Shoppe/stall Management Browser Based Client
- Plans for the existing bank building
- Brawl countdown more visible
- Display swords used by pirates in brawl lobby
- Display experience in addition to standing of pirates in brawl lobby
- Furniture to store whisking potions, charts and bid tickets
- Tailor racks as furniture
- Duty puzzle practice station furniture
- Greenie might calculations
- Display rooms / model houses
- Non-productive crafting puzzles in houses
- Display cases to hold untradeable trinkets
- XML-RPC export of in-game data
The More-Recent Past (2006)
- Rugs or editable floor tiles (Not in the near future)
- Records of sunk ships
The Near-Present (2007)
- Converting the competition trinkets and ones like sea battle into trophies
The Not-Too-Distant Future (2008)
- Reduce vagueness of vessel records for Black Ship intervention
- Refer a friend who's new to Puzzle Pirates to Puzzle Pirates Adventures
- Bungleton
- Puzzle Pirates Adventures is currently offline, whether it will return is not known.
The Undiscovered Country (2009)
- Button to decline jobbing pirate application
The Lost Years (2010-2011)
Back to the Future (2012)
- Make booty items stackable where appropriate
Phoning home (2013)
- Phone client version to be considered in the future
- Cleaver
- A tablet client was released for iOS, but was later sunsetted, making this unlikely.
Historical Notes
Legerdemain performed the original research to compile the List.[2]
Attesmythe maintained an updated version[3] until The List was moved to the YPPedia.