
From YPPedia

Shopaholic started playing in December 2008, on the Viridian Ocean. She had many other accounts, and other siblings playing. She became very well known throughout her time of playing. Shopaholic had many other accounts, but later on deleted them. Shopaholic took a two year break, but came back in December 2008. She now has a new account, Shopaholiic.

Pirate Information

Shopaholic was in Yeliah's crew. She was a senior officer, and damsel of the crew. She was also a princess in Bongoss's flag. She was friends with both Yeliah and Bongoss before they made a crew/flag.

Her favorite piracy skill was Sailing, but she never seemed to get Rigging when it came out. Now, her favorite piracy skill is Rigging. Shopaholic loves to play poker. She said that she learned how to play Texas Hold 'Em, by playing it on Puzzle Pirates.

Now, her new account is Shopaholiic, and she's in the crew Bri's Revenge. Briannebby is captain of the crew, and is a great friend to Shopaholiic. Shopaholiic is fleet officer of the crew at the moment. She said that she's going to work hard to get a higher rank, and possibly be senior officer. She enjoys the crew, and loves everyone in it. Shopaholiic says that she would never change crews, everyone is friendly to each other, and we all care about each other. Shopaholiic is also an ensign in the Lima Island Navy. She's hoping to get captain rank, and will work hard for it.

Owned/Managed Stalls

Shopaholic's Ironworking Stall at Boromir's Blades on Lima Island

  • She no longer has that Stall, due to the fact she doesn't go on "Shopaholic" anymore


Shopaholic has shacks in
