Saberspeed is an active pirate on the Emerald Ocean.
Saberspeed's first memories of this dangerous world are waking up on the shores of Caravanserai Island before Halloween 2007. With not a single poe to his name, persistently working to expand his wealth and knowledge through the inns of the Sage Ocean. He left his first crew days after joining for the wonderful Defenders of Truth under the gentle but firm captain and queen, Blackvixey. As time passed his wealth and power grew and so did tensions with other crewmen and after many moons he would leave the Defenders and Caravanserai to find peace in the solitude of Admiral Island. Through many, many trades he acquired enough wealth to buy the largest ships, houses and the rarest of pets. Not long after, his wealth became his undoing, creating a dangerous spiral of gambling and boredom.
One day, Saberspeed entered a deep slumber and did not awake for many months, and when he returned, he saw that all had been taken from him, his ships, his manor, his adoring pets and worst of all his many hard earned trophies of skill and passion, many never to be regained. (Got deleted for inactivity)
Having nothing but his wits about him, he entered the inn market and began all over again, trading day and night. His expertise in shipyards helped him start a friendship with his new captain. These days he has very little time for the pirate lifestyle but on occasion you may still find him at the Admiral Inn doing what he loves most, trading for profit and collecting limited edition ships.