Red Morning Sky

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Red Morning Sky at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Longjoan
Senior Officer(s) Batetewizard, Bladerr, Kettlecorn, Ladyeyes
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Infinite Horizons
Founded 24 May, 2008
Last updated on 15 March, 2012
Favicon.png Crew Info

Red Morning Sky is a crew on the Emerald Ocean. The crew's current flag is Infinite Horizons. Its captain is Longjoan.

The crew was founded as Metropolis on the Hunter Ocean.

Public Statement

Red sky at morning, sailors take warning; Red sky at night, sailor's delight.

Crew Rules

The Platinum Rule: Love your enemies and respect your friends. Without enemies, you have no chance to become stronger, so they're doing you a favor (and yes, you can be friends with your enemies too... Those are called RIVALS). Without friends, you are weaker alone than you are with others to help you. Both are vital.

The Golden Rule: Treat others how you expect to be treated. This rule is all about trust; if you trust me, I see no reason not to trust you. If you break a promise to me, I won't keep my word either. Everything is two-way. That's fair, right?

The Silver Rule: You can say or do whatever you want, as long as it's not MEANT to hurt or offend anyone. If you're expressing your opinion and say, for example "Sunny days suck", and someone gets offended, they need to get over themselves. Part of the beauty of a diverse Metropolis is that everyone believes different things and still gets along. However if you say "So-and-so is a horrible person", that's just... no. However you CAN say "I don't like the way so-and-so did this this and this, and this is why...". Criticism helps us all refine our techniques on living life, after all.

The Bronze Rule: Keep your promises. Never promise something unless you KNOW you'll go through with it. That said, promises are dangerous, but a sure way of strengthening trust if you keep your end of the bargain.

Rules on pillages...

Follow these or you will be punished, either by pay cut or demotion. (Expulsion is an all-time last resort.) If you can't do these things, pillaging is not for you.

  • Common sense.
  • Ask permission to get on any ship with people on it before getting on.
  • When asking to gun, say your Gun Standing too.
  • NEVER ask to Nav or Bnav if you're not leading the pillage (that's the Leader's job).
  • On big ships, listen to the XO. XOs know what they're doing (and if they don't, I'll punish them for their incompetence).
  • Don't back-seat nav unless the Leader gives permission to offer advice.
  • Stay on stations the whole time; it helps the ship run better. Cooperation is key.
  • Good Leaders will move people around if they can't do a station so well for whatever reason.
  • It's rude to use the /sh command unless you're the XO or Leader.
  • NEVER EVER leave in battle. If you have to go soon, go before battle starts, not after.
  • Don't commit to a pillage unless you have a while to be online, and let the Leader know if you think you have to go in a while.

Promotion Requirements

Everyone starts as Pirate. Cabin Person is the punishment rank.

Officer rank is gained as soon as we trust you. That's it. Stats don't matter at all, neither does wealth. It's easy to tell if someone is fit to be an Officer or not... Be mature. Play the Social Puzzle right. Support the crew how you do it best.

Officers become FOs and SOs simply with time spent in the crew. Crewmates may start out as O or FO if the captain or any Officer(s) in the crew trusts them for the rank.