Puzzling Privateers
Puzzling Privateers at a Glance | |
Meridian Ocean | |
Last Captain | Joanarc (Dormant) |
Senior Officer(s) | Bubsnow, Jorshua, Randompanzy, Snuggles (ALL are dormant) |
Politics | Oligarchic |
Shares | Jobber's Delight |
Flag Affiliation | Imperial Madness |
Founded | 4 July, 2007 |
Dormant as of 7 December, 2016 | |
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Puzzling Privateers is a dormant crew that sails the Meridian Ocean, and flies the flag of Imperial Madness.
Puzzling Privateers was founded on the 4th of July, 2007, on the former Viridian Ocean.
Captaincy history
- Samthetrue (? - ~May 19, 2009)
- Joanarc (~May 19, 2009 - present)
Public statement
Welcome to the Puzzling Privateers!
Extended public statement
We are a band of pirates who love to pillage, love good times, and love PoE!
If ye want a crew of people that will never steal from ye, will always be suportive of you and a captan who can tell bad jokes then this is the crew fer ye.
If ye wish to join let any officer or above know, we will be happy to have ye.
Crew achievements
- Obtained 59th place on the top crew list on April 29th, with only 21 members.
Crew articles
In the private statement.
Promotion requirements
Cabin person: Just ask! Follow orders, and stay through the battles!
Pirate: Have a pirate badge, be broad in two or three things, and follow orders. Being good at gunning should get you this rank easily. Have the stats for the gunning puzzle in the navy for some practice.
Officer: Have a boat, be willing to go through a tough Officer training, and must be skilled in several of the puzzles. Have the stats to do the bnav and dnav puzzles with the navy. We like to keep our boats unlocked, stocked, and for crew use, so we expect ye to know what yer doing if we are going to trust ye.
Ye might look at this page, its got the best officer basics I've seen around... its quite outdated though.
Fleet officer: Trusted by the Captain, skilled in many of the puzzles, and have a good reason for wanting FO. We want a trusting crew that we don't have to lock our vessels in. If ye have good refrences to yer trustworthyness then all the better.
Senior officer: Must be a highly skilled individual, and be trusted by all the SO's This rank is not given lightly, and means a goodly load o work. The crew is run by the SO's so you should be well liked by all members.
Captain: Well its a vote by the SO's, so you must be more qualified then the current one, and be an upstanding member of the crew. Though don't give your hopes up :P
Crew/Flag shoppes and stalls
- Joanarc's Tailoring Stall on Lima Island
- Setec's Weaving Stall on Lima
- Threads of Heaven on Terra Island, owned by Joanarc