
From YPPedia

The vast Oceans of Puzzle Pirates lay before you. Are you ready to explore? Prove your mettle sailing to distant islands and exploring strange lands.

This section provides an introduction to preparing and successfully exploring the distant isles of the Puzzle Pirate Ocean. Learn all the tricks and strategies that make a great Pirate Captain.

So, yer a captain now, and ready to build yer armada? That'll take wealth, Pirate!

The Puzzle Pirates' economy is run entirely by players. Ye have an opportunity to make vast riches if you've got the knack and play yer cards right.

This section explains how ye can build yer wealth in Puzzle Pirates.

While a Pirate's word is hardly his bond, you've always got yer reputation to think about. Who wants some upstart Pirate making a play for yer Island. You've got to keep'em scared.

This section covers how a Pirate can build and maintain his reputation.

Pirate Politics
The history of Puzzle Pirates is full of nefarious deeds and unexpected alliances. If you want to learn the political ropes you'll have to have yer wits about you.

Read this section to learn more about the politics that currently dominates yer Ocean.

Expansion & Fame
So, you've learned a little about how to build an alliance, you've collected a vast trove of booty and are considering your next conquest. What's next?

Read here to learn more about what you'll need in place to launch yer Pirate Empire!

Shanghais & Services
Puzzle Pirates offers a variety of services to help players enjoy the game more. You can learn about them here.