
From YPPedia
PopCornJellyFish at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Last Monarch Bluegill (Left Flag & joined different Crew in another Flag) of Arowana Knights
Member crew(s) Arowana Knights, Incorruptible Justice
Founded 11 March, 2010
Dormant as of 27 February, 2012
Favicon.png Flag Info

PopCornJellyFish is currently a dormant flag on the Meridian Ocean.

Public statement

Your tongue is a double-edged sword. We have been given our tongues for saving lives or destroying them. How we use it is who we choose to be... The choice is yours. +++++Currently recruiting crews, who have goals and ambition+++++

Extended public statement

We are always looking for good crews, who come to be dedicated to our fine flag, and love to pilly and have future plans of blockading for an island!! Contact a Flag Royal, if you would like to join us. We are presently offering Titled Member(s) for each crew! ]=D

To become a Royal, you must be active and trustworthy.


Respect is one of the many keys to Success!!

Stalls and shoppes

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External links