Piratus is the captain of the crew Glimmer of Light on the Sage Ocean. He is currently a member of the flag Good Grief. He and Foriyho co-owns an ironworking stall on Scrimshaw Island. Before that, he used to own an ironworking stall on Wensleydale but it was shut down due to poor buisness after a little more than a year. The stall gave him valuable experience about how economics and managment works. He is also the manager Zaidwanted's distilling stall on Wensleydale.
He used to sail the Baltic Sea under the notorius pirate Captain Klaus Störtebeker. Störtebeker was a great captain, but one day someone sabotaged the rodder to his ship by pouring molted lead onto the links of the chain wich held the rudder. Piratus had to sneak away from the ship, using a small rowboat. Realising there was a prize on his head and that Störtebeker's crew couldn't protect him anymore he quickly took a ferry to the Sage Ocean, where he met his old friends Swesvempa and Swedempa who recruted him to The Vikings. Later renamed The Glimmer of Light.
Early days
His career of piracy began in mars 2008 and he been booching the social puzzle ever since.
Higher ranks
He was gradually promoted and got his officer training from Swesvempa and was a very active pillager. He inherited a sloop from Swedempa wich was later sunk in a trip to the Cursed Isles.
Piratus became the captain of the Glimmer of Light 6 november 2008 after the former captain, Thewandrerr left the crew and is currently holding that rank. During his Captainship he dealt with crew theft, commissoning the crew portrait and organising the crew coffers.
The following segment from Piratus' memoires describes how he made it to the honoruable position of Lord of Ascalon.
I was aboard my ship with King Pishkirlin. We were looking at some charts and planning the route for our next pillage when a strange vessel reached the coasts of Caravanserai. It was very long and had a very exotic appearance, something never seen on Sage before.
King Pishkirlin was surprised and intrigued, and asked me if I had seen anything like it before. I told him that I had indeed seen those vessels in the North lands, that they were longships or dragon-ships as some sailors called them. "Dragon ships?" He said and urged me to tell him everything I knew about them. After that we went to see it up close.
He was so impressed with the exotic vessel that he immediately decided he wanted to be her owner.
The captain couldn’t be found anywhere and after a while a sailor told us he was drinking at the inn. We went to talk to him and found him already drunk. Taking advantage of his drunken senses, King Pishkirlin convinced him to wager the longship on a drinking game. We won the game easily and before the captain could realize what had happened, we took the deed and ran to the ship. There were only a few sailors available but we decided to deport immediately with just the ones we had. I quickly took the helm and we set sail. The voyage was difficult and dangerous, but the few men we had aboard were brave and hard-working. We were engaged in a few battles at sea, but the voyage was a success and we ported richer and happier at Barbary Island.
The King told me I had shown great courage, determination and loyalty. And for that, he said he wanted me to be a part of the Court of Ascalon."
Crew forum and leaving Ascalon
Officers of the Glimmer of Light wanted a change of flag. Piratus hastily created a crew forum so discussions could be held without involvment from the rest of Ascalon.
Piratus reluctantly bowed for the will of his officers. He and the rest of the crew left Ascalon on the 15 of February 2010 to join Good Grief. More details are available at the Glimmer of Light page.
He still keeps in touch with his flagmates, especially his former king, Pishkirlin, and is to this day still an active member of Ascalon's flag forums.