Phantom Of The Ocean

From YPPedia
Phantom Of The Ocean at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Meijinn
Senior Officer(s) Eumica, Lillythanne, Imapiratetoo, Shibiyo, Ricka,Danteyashi-West, Heroicpercil
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Ghosts OF the Deep
Founded 9 February, 2009
Last updated on 26 February, 2012
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-Phantom Of The Ocean.jpg

Phantom Of The Ocean is a crew on the Emerald ocean. It was originally formed on the Hunter Ocean, before moving to Sage.

Public Statement

Several years ago there was a band of thieving pirates that would strike any ship that crossed their path, giving no mercy. When the battle was over it would disappear hence the crew became known as Phantom of the Ocean.

Promotion Requirements

Cabin Person: Upon Joining crew.

Fisherman: 1 Dist.

Pirate: 1 Resp. or 2 Dist.

Roustabout: In crew for at least 3 days.

Midshipman: 1 Master

Officer: Officer Test.

Officer Test: Some experience b-nav (with navy or on your own), at least 1 week in crew, 2 Master and Dist. Gun or 1 Master and Master Gun. Taken with Captain, Senior Officer, or Fleet Officer.

Midshipman: Own at least a sloop, 1 Master

Boatswain: 1 Renowned, 1 Master, and Resp. B-nav; Or 1 Renowned, and Master B-nav.

Steward: Renowned B-nav, 2 Renown, 1 Master. Or 1 Renown and GM B-nav

Fleet Officer: Trust of crew, 1 month in crew; GM B-nav, 1 GM, 2 Master or GM B-nav and 1 Leg, 1 Ult, or 1 Ult Trophy.

Senior Officer: Chosen from trusted FOs, must be in the crew for at least 4-5 Months. Need to be active, show leadership potential, knowledge of blockades, and get a 100% approval from all SO and Captain.

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