
From YPPedia

Pepperdoo is currently the captain of the crew Timeless, on the Emerald Ocean (formerly Sage Ocean). Pepperdoo started out in the crew Shooting Stars of Sage (2/06-11/06). In early November of 2006, she followed her dear friend Skymike and helped create the crew Death Wish. As of 7-23-09, she was no longer in Death Wish, but she says that she still loves Mikey.

~ Semi Un-Retired ~

Contributions & Achievements

  • Former princess of Eternal Glory.
  • Former senior officer of Death Wish.
  • Former senior officer of the Shooting Stars of Sage.
  • April 7th 2008 ~ Got a karkinos pet.
  • April 9th 2008 ~ Acquired the Soggy Boot trophy.
  • As of log in on May 11th, 2011 - obtained Fifth Order of the Jolly Roger
  • As of log in on December 1st, 2016 - obtained the 10th Order of the Jolly Roger

Injury Record

  • January 21st 2008 ~ Her dear friend Skymike gave her a hook. She was so glad her first injury was with him.
  • February 16th 2008 ~ Received a starfish injury with Archaon.
  • March 12th 2008 ~ Her little starfish went back to the sea (was removed with a starfish repellent potion).
  • June 17th 2008 ~ Her little starfish got lonely and came back to her (she was re-injured).
  • August 23rd 2008 ~ Received a peg leg injury with the crew Dirty Deeds.