Out of the Box
Out of the Box at a Glance | |
Emerald Ocean | |
Last Captain | Coatosilver-East (Dormant) |
Senior Officer(s) | None |
Politics | Democratic |
Shares | Jobber's Delight |
Flag Affiliation | Independent |
Founded | 29 April, 2006 |
Dormant as of 1 December, 2016 | |
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Out of the Box is an independent dormant crew that sails the Emerald Ocean.
Out of the Box was founded on 29 April, 2006 on the former Hunter Ocean and once flew the flag of EAC.
Crew articles
Are you thinking what we're thinking?
(Not suitable for children under 14.)
What does out of the Box stand for?
Cycling, overtaking, being so wet that the water warms you up, getting to that stage of inhebriation where you actucally believe you can do anything, attempting to cycle when drunk, interesting things online, wikipedia, xckd, fazed.net, bash.org, parks in the summer, holidays, weekends, break times, quips, conspiracy theories, unanswered questions, profound comments, trying to eat the centre of a crunchie without eating the chocolate, having a good song stuck in your head, pasta, jokes, anecdotes, carrying on regardless, shortcuts, when teachers forget to set homework, hugs, snuggles, eskimo-style nose rubbing, wild accusations, playing the trumpet loud, horn parts in F, april fools, pratical jokes, snow, shots with the outside of the foot, dancing, my trampoline, late night extended phone chats, being frank, one liners, chat up lines, winning staring matches, laughing when you're crying, crying with laughter, relating to songs, riffs, find oppotunities to wink, trying to say gargantuan, drawing straight lines and perfect circles, taking photographs, picking the queue that moves the fastest, singing loudly on the tube, walking arm in arm, talking passionately on subjects that I know nothing about, peeling oranges in one go...
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