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Missions are short tasks that can be taken by pirates from the Notice Board. The missions available depend on a pirate's experience and whether the pirate is carrying PoE.

The mission board as it appears to yellow players.

At the inn

A pirate must be subscribed (subscription ocean) or have a parlor badge (doubloon oceans) to get the puzzle missions for the days they are not free.

Note: All of these missions contribute to player rating and experience in the specific puzzle and may pay in the form of a won wager.

At the palace or fort

The Drinking mission is only available if a pirate is able to play the puzzle and has completed at least four Pollywog or navy missions. There are ten difficulty levels for these missions. In the list below, a pirate's current level appears instead of X.

Note: All of these missions against the trainer bots do not contribute to player rating nor experience in the specific puzzle and pay no wage. This is as opposed to matches against normal NPPs that will contribute to player rating and experience.

  • Drinking challenge: X cups.
  • Rumble challenge: X Knockouts.
  • Swordfighting challenge: X swords.


These missions will only appear if the pirate has the ability to play the particular puzzle in question. There must also be something to be worked on requiring labor from that specific craft. Taking one of these missions always directs pirates to a shoppe or stall with orders in the queue (or with reserve labor still to be filled).

The mission should look for eligible stalls/shoppes in the following order:

  • Current island
  • Same archipelago as current island
  • Home island
  • Same archipelago as home island

Note: All of these missions contribute to player rating and experience in the specific puzzle, and pay a wage as set by the shoppe or stall.


A pirate must have PoE on hand for the following missions:

  • 5,000 PoE for the "Buy a new sword" mission
  • 1,000 PoE for the "Buy some new clothes" mission

Aboard the navy

Basic navy missions

Note: by taking one of the following missions and then canceling it once aboard, pirates can practice any of the other duty stations above, without restrictions. All of these missions contribute to player rating and experience in the specific puzzle and pay a wage relative to the player's performance.

  • Bilge with the navy.
  • Carpent with the navy.
  • Patch with the navy.
  • Rig with the navy.
  • Sail with the navy.
  • Gun with the navy. (Requires Bilging, either Carpentry or Patching, and either Rigging or Sailing to be at Apprentice or higher)

Advanced navy missions

Note: A pirate must have at least broad experience in bilge, either sailing or rigging, either carpentry or patching, and gunnery for all advanced navy missions except defeating brigands. All of these missions contribute to player rating and experience in the specific puzzle and pay a wage relative to the player's performance.

  • Navigate with the navy. (Requires a subscription on subscription oceans)
  • Puzzle with the navy. (Allows pirates to bilge, sail, rig, carpent, patch, or gun.)
  • Battle brigands with the navy. (Requires narrow experience in navigation, and a subscription on subscription oceans)

On the Pollywog

Note: All of these missions (except the last one) contribute to player rating and experience in the specific puzzle and pay a set wage.

  • Learn to Bilge.
  • Learn to Carpent.
  • Learn to Patch
  • Learn to Rig
  • Learn to Sail.
  • Play with Swords!
  • Get ready to Rumble!
  • Learn to Pillage! (Available only until mission is completed, and requires the completion of "Play with Swords!" and one of the "Learn to Bilge", "Learn to Carpent", "Learn to Sail", (etc.) missions.)
  • Learn about your items. (Available only until mission is completed. Teaches about the trade interface, awarding a "starter-color" bandana. It will only give a pirate one bandana no matter how many times he or she takes the mission.)

Monster frays

Note: Players can still join a fray even if they are unable to see the mission but can get there another way, for example if someone can whisk them to the island.

  • Defeat the skeletons. (Requires an oceanwide standing of distinguished or higher in sword fighting, an experience level of narrow or higher in sword fighting, 100 PoE on hand, and a group of skeletons to currently exist somewhere in the ocean.)
  • Defeat the zombies. (Requires an oceanwide standing of distinguished or higher in rumble, an experience level of narrow or higher in rumble, 100 PoE on hand, and a group of zombies to currently exist somewhere in the ocean.)
  • Defeat the werewolves. (Requires an oceanwide standing of distinguished or higher in rumble, an experience level of broad or higher in rumble, 100 PoE on hand, and a group of werewolves to currently exist somewhere in the ocean.)
  • Defeat the vampirates. (Requires an oceanwide standing of distinguished or higher in sword fighting, an experience level of broad or higher in sword fighting, 100 PoE on hand, and a group of vampirates to currently exist somewhere in the ocean.)


  • Pillage with a crew.
  • Claim your inheritance. (This is available only for purchasers of the box edition of the game.)
  • Get Loot for yer home! (This is available only until a pirate places furniture in their home. It will give that pirate just one slatted crate, one bedroll, and one pet rat no matter how many times the mission is taken. It is available only if a pirate is on their home island, and if their home is a house.)
  • Get yer portrait painted! (Requires that a pirate be on an island with a palace.)


Spoiler warning: Details about trophies are hidden below.

External/other links


  • Release 2008-06-18 New "Puzzles" tab on the notice board to show pirates the path to puzzling greatness.
  • Release 2008-07-31 Include locations within a ferry ride of a pirate's current or home island in buttons on the noticeboard and to find spots for challenge missions.