Minor Game Design annoyances (Idea Links)
From YPPedia
- Most of the Annoyances which have been fixed should have been removed from this article
- 1 The original thread
- 2 Audible alert for /pay
- 3 Badges which last longer than a month
- 4 Blockades
- 5 Building
- 5.1 Bazaar
- 5.2 Fort and palace
- 5.3 Housing
- 5.4 Shoppe and stall
- 5.4.1 Adjust prices by more than 32767
- 5.4.2 Check current wage offers if you have already have a job there
- 5.4.3 Commit pricing changes before client times out
- 5.4.4 Commodity trading screen
- 5.4.5 Labor report screen
- 5.4.6 Logs
- 5.4.7 Many interface limitations
- 5.4.8 Minimum coffers
- 5.4.9 Non-managers see order queue
- 5.4.10 Orders
- 5.4.11 Recipes
- 5.4.12 Show actual changes for commodity pricing modifications in building records
- 5.4.13 Tailor rack sorting bug for particular clothing items
- 5.5 Weavery commodity list order fix
- 6 Chat
- 7 Clothing
- 8 Colonization and governance
- 9 Crews
- 10 Disconnection
- 11 DND
- 12 Dock interface / "Where are my vessels" screen
- 13 Doubloons
- 14 Fame
- 15 Forums
- 15.1 Cannot edit posts older than 180 days
- 15.2 Clicking the first unread post link doesn't update the page number
- 15.3 Grammar of profile option to not show email address
- 15.4 Move to next private message after action taken on current one
- 15.5 No method to easily display unformatted text
- 15.6 Preview loses submitted information if there's a problem with the connection/webservers
- 15.7 Search
- 15.8 Tab key should switch focus to the preview button while editing a forum post
- 15.9 Wrap long thread titles
- 16 Furniture
- 17 Hearties
- 18 Info
- 18.1 /afk default message
- 18.2 /cwho should provide information about your crew
- 18.3 /rwho shows online royalty in a flag
- 18.4 /who
- 18.5 /yellow command for additional accounts on Doubloon Oceans
- 18.6 Capitalize the Ocean in the /info command reply
- 18.7 Changing crews messes up the portrait displayed on the pirate info page
- 18.8 Flag names in crew PvP records
- 18.9 List of houses owned or are a roommate in
- 18.10 Make the vessel tab stickier so that the "OMG you've been playing too much" and jobbing notifications do not pop-up over it
- 18.11 Pin Ahoy! tab items
- 18.12 Pirate names on issue screens should be links
- 19 Island
- 20 Jobbing noticeboard
- 21 Labor
- 22 Missions
- 22.1 Don't whisk unless the pirate is actually going to change scenes
- 22.2 Navy
- 22.2.1 Attempting to take the helm on merchant brigs tells the pirate they need to take advanced missions to do this
- 22.2.2 Bring back the navigation origin and destination for the right hand side display
- 22.2.3 NPPs
- 22.2.4 Set sail button for navigation
- 22.2.5 Sidebar the basic ones once the generic duty one is available
- 22.3 Tabs for
- 23 Mute status visible everywhere
- 24 Navy ship paint color should match navy clothing color
- 25 Portraits
- 26 Puzzles
- 26.1 Alert before they start
- 26.2 Brawl/swordfight
- 26.2.1 Current brawl table moving up and down in lobby display
- 26.2.2 Display
- 26.2.3 Double rotate piece key
- 26.2.4 NPPs
- 26.2.5 Reduce games in the brawling lobby display which have started to only as big as required to show the number of pirates taking part
- 26.2.6 Scroll the target list to keep the current target visible
- 26.3 Challenges
- 26.4 Client should show when you're disconnected from the server while in a puzzle
- 26.5 Don't give focus to text input area on exit
- 26.6 Duty
- 26.6.1 Bilging
- 26.6.2 Carpentry
- 26.6.3 Distinguish lazers from disconnected pirates at duty stations
- 26.6.4 Explicit pause stops both the "idle contribution" and the "too much time, score zero" factor
- 26.6.5 Gunnery
- 26.6.6 League point warning
- 26.6.7 Navigation
- 26.6.8 Sailing
- 26.6.9 Re-entering puzzle within the same league penalty
- 26.7 Parlor game
- 26.8 Rumble
- 27 Sea battle
- 28 Ships
- 28.1 Boarding queue which immediately replaces any pillagers who leave
- 28.2 Booty division persists over port/deport
- 28.3 "Collapse" buttons for minimap and/or current ship info
- 28.4 Delete the drinking table on merchant brigs just like the brawl table
- 28.5 Jobbing notices
- 28.6 Permission to board
- 28.7 Recenter the screen when moving to a new duty station
- 28.8 Scene change arrows should be useable everywhere
- 28.9 Scroll the ocean (minimap) view using the mouse
- 28.10 Show lock icon regardless of rank or badge
- 28.11 Whisking to duty stations from a menu
- 29 Skellies
- 30 Tax finished commodities only
- 31 Trinkets
- 32 Tournaments
- 32.1 Ability to see pattern of the "random sword of this type"
- 32.2 Better interface to set up everyone uses the same type of sword which is in the prize pool
- 32.3 Change payout option of cascading arithmetically to read cascading harmonically
- 32.4 Entrants' names are hyperlinks to their pirate info page
- 32.5 Fast way to scroll down to where you are on the details screen
- 32.6 Mouse-over portraits shows rank in pop-up
- 32.7 Rank restrictions
- 32.8 Sticks do not have random patterns and should not be announced like that
- 32.9 Warning when the Dismiss puzzle button is pressed during a tournament
- 32.10 Withdraw from one which has started
- 33 User interface
- 33.1 Arbitrarily resizeable windows
- 33.2 Automatically attempting to join a chat circle when performing a trade causes lag
- 33.3 Change error message for /pay amounts less than or equal to zero
- 33.4 Chatlog save file name should have an optional default .txt extension
- 33.5 Chat stops scrolling in shoppe and trading interfaces
- 33.6 Consistent button behavior for minimap destinations, ship board / disembark
- 33.7 Default "None available/found" text while waiting for the server
- 33.8 Entry/exit arrows show up when alt is pressed or have them always visible when the new pirate extra help option is selected
- 33.9 Grammar of single whisking potion dose remaining pop-up message
- 33.10 Market bidding and commodity trading screens
- 33.11 Mugs and swords do not list their colors the way clothing does
- 33.12 On the Ocean selection screen pressing escape does not cancel
- 33.13 Page up and page down keys scroll both the Trade Commodities window and (history for the) chat window
- 33.14 Paint window
- 33.15 Parlor table popup in back room of inns has exclamation point while drinking/brawl tables do not
- 33.16 "Pizza reminder"
- 33.17 Popups obscure controls
- 33.18 Remember destination if possible when changing destination type in transfer commodities screen
- 33.19 Retain collapsed or expanded state of inventory tabs over log out
- 33.20 Rumble challenges are always free message
- 33.21 Windows don't appear to retain state when additional ones are requested over them and then dismissed
- 33.22 X on upper right of Arrange Furniture screen to cancel changes
- 34 Wear and tear
- 35 Whisking
- 36 Ye known world is not mouse drag scrollable
The original thread
Audible alert for /pay
Badges which last longer than a month
Rehome button
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=429662#429662
- Probably should apply to sea battle as well
Sliders to show current scrolled position
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=429662#429662
- Probably should apply to sea battle as well
While paused, you should be able to toggle between "Show my board" (like normal pause), "Show score" (current blockade), and "Show the blockade board full client" (like crow's nest)
Be able to delete chairs from stalls
Hide stalls which have gone dark in the stall listing
Fort and palace
Ability to upgrade forts and palaces on outpost and medium islands to sell charts
Make the palace shoppe purchase message less generic
Record cut of sales tax in building records
Ability to mark furniture as common property so that any housemates can move it
Entry/exit messages
Estate balcony arrow direction problem
List of people who are in the house
Swap order of roommates without having to remove and readd
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=426744#426744
- Could apply to shoppe and stall managers as well
Shoppe and stall
Adjust prices by more than 32767
Check current wage offers if you have already have a job there
Commit pricing changes before client times out
Commodity trading screen
Highlight own, crew or flag shoppes or stalls
Set prices from
- See Shoppe and stall (Idea Links):Management:Buy and sell prices:Set from the trading commodities screen
Show which commodities are below minimum levels
Streamline to reduce the amount of screen swapping. Also don't enforce sell price > buy price until the window is closed
Labor report screen
Show total cost per labor type
Bid tickets changing to filled
Filter by text searches for entire words
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=471811#471811
- This means that sometimes things like <b>small need to be used
Delivering orders
Taking or quitting jobs
Scroll with keyboard
Many interface limitations
Minimum coffers
Non-managers see order queue
Auto-deliver on completion
Auto-scroll to next item when delivering abandoned orders
Managers pay both labor and sales tax when placing
Ordering interface
Selecting comparison shoppe resets the order panel state
Show exact amount which would be refunded from a cancelled order
Consistent order for listing commodities in recipe and trading screens
Show actual changes for commodity pricing modifications in building records
Tailor rack sorting bug for particular clothing items
Weavery commodity list order fix
/emote used when the current chat mode is Tell sends the emote to the scene/chat circle
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=523491#523491
- Note that it does not do so if a /tell command is used
Mute building chat
Option to automatically default to last used
Send the auto-response once then not again until it is changed or the recipient doesn't send a tell for at least 5 minutes
Log invites, jobbing invites, trade and hearty requests
Don't respect gender
Use capitals at the start of sentences
Inventory tabs should be collapsed upon log in
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=449888#449888
- Have an option to do so?
Make gold cloth look gold rather than dark yellow
Order and name fix-ups
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=415716#415716
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=475601#475601
Under miscellaneous folder
White looks gray
Colonization and governance
Governor's placing buildings interface needs a cancel button
Alphabetize the list of titles
Easier to use line breaks
Eliminate disconnect message except when aboard ship
Mute to prevent display
Version to apply to hearties also
Dock interface / "Where are my vessels" screen
More convenient way to access the "Where are my vessels?" screen
In palace
- Or option to buy doubloons at the current exchange rate when purchasing a badge
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=393391#393391
- The cashbox furniture item allows access to the doubloon exhange
Should indicate the poe value of the transfer and the ocean, not only the pirate name
Trading window adjustment
Shopkeeping occupies a large amount of time yet does not contribute
Cannot edit posts older than 180 days
Clicking the first unread post link doesn't update the page number
- It's being worked on
Grammar of profile option to not show email address
Move to next private message after action taken on current one
No method to easily display unformatted text
Preview loses submitted information if there's a problem with the connection/webservers
Results should strip out formatting tags which don't get rendered anyway
Sort the results by date
Start when enter is pressed
Tab key should switch focus to the preview button while editing a forum post
Wrap long thread titles
Mouse-over shows lamp color
/pay option from hearty list
Indicate heartied flagmates when they log in
/afk default message
/cwho should provide information about your crew
- Peghead said no before but times change
/rwho shows online royalty in a flag
DND status
/who <piratename> should tell you where someone is on an island, if you're also on that island
/yellow command for additional accounts on Doubloon Oceans
Capitalize the Ocean in the /info command reply
Changing crews messes up the portrait displayed on the pirate info page
Flag names in crew PvP records
List of houses owned or are a roommate in
Make the vessel tab stickier so that the "OMG you've been playing too much" and jobbing notifications do not pop-up over it
Pin Ahoy! tab items
Pirate names on issue screens should be links
Replace the minimap with quick links
Should be able to edit the news from anywhere on the island
Jobbing noticeboard
Button for /vwho per entry
Highlight an entry to help tracking it when new entries appear
Don't whisk unless the pirate is actually going to change scenes
Attempting to take the helm on merchant brigs tells the pirate they need to take advanced missions to do this
- It should say that they are separate types of missions only offered on sloops
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=396072#396072
Idle ones should return to duty stations even quicker
Sidebar the basic ones once the generic duty one is available
Tabs for
Mute status visible everywhere
Certain clothes combinations end up looking like your pirate is picking their nose
Female ponytail has bangs but not in the portrait
Option to show eye expressions with and without an eyepatch
Alert before they start
Current brawl table moving up and down in lobby display
Colors on mouseover
Sword type next to pirate in lobby screen
Double rotate piece key
Chainsaw brigands should show some activity in their miniboard
Use the same sequence of breakers as players
Reduce games in the brawling lobby display which have started to only as big as required to show the number of pirates taking part
Scroll the target list to keep the current target visible
Opponent has the option to meet your challenge using (a copy of) your sword / mug
Pressing enter after setting a wager amount doesn't "push" the OK button
Client should show when you're disconnected from the server while in a puzzle
Don't give focus to text input area on exit
Low-level is completely different to high-level
Let lower levels have longer runs
Distinguish lazers from disconnected pirates at duty stations
Explicit pause stops both the "idle contribution" and the "too much time, score zero" factor
- Or perhaps not eliminate both, but reduce both?
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=429662#429662
- See also Duty puzzles (Idea Links):Different sort of pause to avoid the idle time penalty
Eliminate partial pre-loading exploit
Keyboard controls
League point warning
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=676504#676504
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=676550#676550
If it was paused when a league point was reached, then it should remain so until unpaused
League point memorized alert
Simultaneous clear piece sound effects are too loud
Re-entering puzzle within the same league penalty
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=455917#455917
- Originally designed to prevent gaming of bilging boards
- Gunning boards can be gamed so this is inconsistent
- There is probably little point in gaming other duty puzzle boards
Parlor game
Unrated option at table
Rematch option
Treasure drop, brawls and drinking
Piece designs should have skull rings, gauntlets, etc
Sea battle
Alert for PvP
Auto-sails shouldn't default to producing straight move tokens
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=453500#453500
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=521263#521263
Placed moves and shots should stay until the end of move 4, rather than being blanked at the start of move 1
- This allows mates on the ship to see e.g. last-second moves
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=428871#428871
Boarding queue which immediately replaces any pillagers who leave
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=393133#393133
- Reasons not to do so
Booty division persists over port/deport
"Collapse" buttons for minimap and/or current ship info
Delete the drinking table on merchant brigs just like the brawl table
Jobbing notices
Disabling receiving
Disappear from everyone's screen when accepted or rejected
New notices appear at the bottom of the Ahoy! tab
Only appear for officer posting offer
- See Ships (Idea Links):Hiring jobbers:Notices:Officer who set the hiring jobber option receives them
Permission to board
Deed holder permitted to board locked ships; others require an invite
Hiring jobbers enables ship as a whisking target on log on
- See Ships (Idea Links):Permission to board:Hiring jobbers enables ship as a whisking target on log on
Recenter the screen when moving to a new duty station
Scene change arrows should be useable everywhere
Scroll the ocean (minimap) view using the mouse
Show lock icon regardless of rank or badge
Occupying chat circle positions
Change the message for the first player to join the fray against skellies
- "One little pirate in the fray against us <number>, haha!"
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=393359#393359
Tax finished commodities only
Ability to see pattern of the "random sword of this type"
Better interface to set up everyone uses the same type of sword which is in the prize pool
Change payout option of cascading arithmetically to read cascading harmonically
Entrants' names are hyperlinks to their pirate info page
Mouse-over for standing and experience pop-up
Fast way to scroll down to where you are on the details screen
Mouse-over portraits shows rank in pop-up
Rank restrictions
Sticks do not have random patterns and should not be announced like that
Warning when the Dismiss puzzle button is pressed during a tournament
Withdraw from one which has started
User interface
Arbitrarily resizeable windows
Automatically attempting to join a chat circle when performing a trade causes lag
Change error message for /pay amounts less than or equal to zero
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=485203#485203
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=485219#485219
Chatlog save file name should have an optional default .txt extension
Chat stops scrolling in shoppe and trading interfaces
Consistent button behavior for minimap destinations, ship board / disembark
Default "None available/found" text while waiting for the server
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=415727#415727
- Fixed for tournament listings and building records
Entry/exit arrows show up when alt is pressed or have them always visible when the new pirate extra help option is selected
Grammar of single whisking potion dose remaining pop-up message
Market bidding and commodity trading screens
Input focus loss when the server refreshes data
Insertion point movement weirdness
Mugs and swords do not list their colors the way clothing does
On the Ocean selection screen pressing escape does not cancel
Page up and page down keys scroll both the Trade Commodities window and (history for the) chat window
Paint window
Obscures some painted areas of rooms in houses
Should stay up after one paint job is done
Parlor table popup in back room of inns has exclamation point while drinking/brawl tables do not
"Pizza reminder"
Customizable timer
Popups obscure controls
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=644366#644366
- http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=644369#644369
Remember destination if possible when changing destination type in transfer commodities screen
Retain collapsed or expanded state of inventory tabs over log out
Rumble challenges are always free message
Windows don't appear to retain state when additional ones are requested over them and then dismissed
X on upper right of Arrange Furniture screen to cancel changes
Wear and tear
Indicate how many days are left before dusting
Go to work button
From labor report to places of employment
Ye known world is not mouse drag scrollable
- It does however have scroll bars unlike the sea battle board
- See Info (Idea Links):Pirate:Known world screen:Not mouse scrollable