User interface (Idea Links)

From YPPedia



YPPedia links

/a shouldn't be regarded as ambiguous for /away and /afk

/yellow command turns additional accounts non-green

3D graphics

Accommodating colorblindness

More distinct color/shape for memorized league points

Show color of pet in inventory upon mouseover

Alert when a particular pirate logs on

Blackspot from within a puzzle

Booty panel reorganization

Group mugs, swords and bludgeons into a category

Move "always visible" items to top

Stackable items

Change completed orders ahoy tab notice

Don't take input focus

Send to chat instead

Change Atlantis background to make teaming indicator easier to see

Chat filter should apply to trophy box labels, house and ship news

Confirm close client

Consistency in color order in various places

Display afk/away status over pirate's head in world window


Locked thread icon

Option (defaults to on) for consecutive posts to be combined automatically

Post count display


Replace with "experience" word

Private messages


Notification of new
Reading and sending of

Search has an option to return one result per thread

Sticky thread in bazaar (sub)forums for transactions

Atlantean items


Thread list displays date of the first post as well as the most recent one

Improved graphics post Steam release

Input focus loss when the server refreshes data in the market bidding or commodities trading screen

Larger window size

For larger monitors


Puzzle graphics

User interfaces

Logging in

Caps lock warning

Invisible mode

Restore the remember password check box

Minimize button in full screen mode

Move pirate around

By holding down mouse button

With arrow keys

Mute status visible everywhere

Open browser window with last URL in chat when a function key is pressed

Option to trash sticks

Override auto-centering of scene

Pay command with multiple recipients

Rapid switch between alts on the same account

Return to pirate selection screen upon logout

Button next to logout to do so

Remove/extend auto-logout time for inactivity of pirate

Send email to address associated with account and require response to allow change of email address


Add items to request window without using mouse drag

All items or all items in a category

Command for remote

Rental option

Warning when

Overbidding by too much

Selling Doubloons too cheaply

Why there is no longer an option to hide pirate names

Ye Known World scrolling

Arrow keys


Horizontal mouse wheel events

YPPedia button in the Ye panel