Midnight Mutineers

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Midnight Mutineers at a Glance
Cerulean Ocean
Last Monarch Sirblowfish (Left the Flag with Crew) of Black Rainbow
Member crew(s) The Leviathan's
Founded 12 March, 2009
Abandoned as of 31 January, 2012
Favicon.png Flag Info
Flags-Midnight Mutineers.jpg

Midnight Mutineers was a friendly flag on the Cerulean Ocean originally of the Midnight Ocean with lot to do. It was founded on March 12th, 2009. This flag was previously named SBH flag. It is current a defunct flag.

Public statement

Ahoy and Welcome to Midnight Mutineers!

Extended public statement

WE LOVE PILLAGING!! If ye would like to hire on, please ask any officer or above and we will bring ya aboard! We pillage frequently and you will rarely see us on shore! One thing that you will not find in this flag is politics!! We are a happy lot and wish to remain so!!

ahoy weekly pillages sunday at 8pm PT and wednesday at 6:30pm PT all is welcome to attend this flags piilages thank you Captain Swordsir

Shoppes and stalls

As well as being successful pillagers, the pirates in Midnight Mutineers are also successful merchants! Members are encouraged to support their fellow flag mates and take a job at and buy from the shoppes and stalls listed below.

Click [show] to view the complete list of shoppes and stalls