List of floor furniture

From YPPedia

This is a list of floor furniture available. Some of these furniture items cannot be purchased at a furnisher.

A through C: Click [show] to expand

D through K: Click [show] to expand

L through Q: Click [show] to expand

R through S: Click [show] to expand

T through Z: Click [show] to expand

If the show/hide boxes above do not work for you, see List of floor furniture (A - C), (D - K), (L - Q), (R - S), and (T - Z).

Furnisher Furniture
By name: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
By origin: Animals | Atlantean | Artifacts | Cursed Isles | Haunted Seas | Kraken | Seasonal
By placement: Floor | Outdoors | Shipboard | Tables | Tabletop | Wall
By function: Puzzles | Lights | Messages | Storage
See also: Furnisher | House | Furnishing
ApothecaryFurniture color palettes
Atlantis | Cloth | Cursed Isles | Enamel | Gold box | Haunted Seas | Kraken | Mystery box | Other | Standard palette