Kazlan is a senior officer in the crew Mischievous Mulberries of the flag Black Dragon. Kazlan has been with them for most of his Puzzling Life. He sails the Viridian Ocean.
Things He's Proud Of
- Senior officer in his crew.
- First mate in his crew.
- Lord in his flag.
- Best gunner in his crew.
- Ultimate gunner
Kazlan first entered the game in February 2007. Since joining he set forth to make some new friends. He did. His first friend was Illegitimate, senior officer of Dark Revenge. He is currently the captain. Kazlan joined Dark Revenge for a while before he met some new friends. The Mischievous Mulberries.
Kazlan joined the Mischievous Mulberries later that day. He made new friends, new enemies and new aquaintances.
As time went by, Kazlan pursued his quest to get to senior officer rank. So he worked hard. A month passed and he had become an officer. Several weeks more and he had become a fleet officer shortly after purchasing his first ship, the Social Gurnard.
Kazlan pillaged long and hard to make the money so he and his friends could buy a row house. Haplon and Kazlan came up with the money and bought a row house.
Then they started furnishing it and Kazlan got obsessed with poems. He has entered several poetry contests but has won nothing to date. Shortly after he because a senior officer, his captain Louberry decided to buy a manor for the senior officers and herself. Kazlan sold his ship to pay for his share of the manor.
Kazlan sold his room to Badcharlotte for 23 Doubloons and now lives in a shack at lima.
Kazlan is now very good at poker, on a good day he can make as much as 200k, but on a bad day he can go flat broke.
He is also the best gunner in his crew and flag, and is the resident gunner of some of his friends, including elite pillages with Feind, where he makes most of his money.
Total poker losses to date: 745,060 Pieces of Eight
(Kazlan no longer plays)