Fruit on Cerulean/Shortest routes

From YPPedia

Foraging routes of twenty leagues or fewer on the Cerulean Ocean, taken from this forum thread.

  Last Stand Hill      Cobalt    ->  Waterberry           Midnight  =    7
  Nuptial Island       Midnight  ->  Islay of Luthien     Midnight  =   10
  The Horseshoe Crabs  Midnight  ->  Papaya Island        Midnight  =   11
  Hadrian Island       Cobalt    ->  Jubilee Island       Cobalt    =   12
2 Nuptial Island       Midnight  ->  Wrasse Island        Midnight  =   12
  Tadpole Isle         Midnight  ->  Wrasse Island        Midnight  =   12
2 The Horseshoe Crabs  Midnight  ->  Byrne Island         Midnight  =   13
  Boyle Island         Midnight  ->  Cormorant Island     Cobalt    =   14
2 Last Stand Hill      Cobalt    ->  Nu Island            Midnight  =   14
  Lynx Island          Midnight  ->  Turtle Island        Midnight  =   14
3 Nuptial Island       Midnight  ->  Eta Island           Midnight  =   14
3 The Horseshoe Crabs  Midnight  ->  Turtle Island        Midnight  =   14
2 Boyle Island         Midnight  ->  Fintan Island        Cobalt    =   15
3 Boyle Island         Midnight  ->  Labyrinth Moors      Cobalt    =   15
4 Nuptial Island       Midnight  ->  Jorvik Island        Midnight  =   15
  Erh Island           Cobalt    ->  Cochineal Island     Cobalt    =   16
5 Nuptial Island       Midnight  ->  Gaea Island          Midnight  =   16
2 Tadpole Isle         Midnight  ->  Gaea Island          Midnight  =   16
  Echo Island          Cobalt    ->  Charcoal Island      Cobalt    =   17
3 Last Stand Hill      Cobalt    ->  Endurance Island     Midnight  =   17
2 Lynx Island          Midnight  ->  Papaya Island        Midnight  =   17
  Macaw Island         Midnight  ->  Oyster Island        Midnight  =   17
6 Nuptial Island       Midnight  ->  Cranberry Island     Midnight  =   17
7 Nuptial Island       Midnight  ->  Guava Island         Midnight  =   17
  Rhinoceros Ridge     Midnight  ->  Spring Island        Midnight  =   17
3 Tadpole Isle         Midnight  ->  Guava Island         Midnight  =   17
4 The Horseshoe Crabs  Midnight  ->  Alpha Island         Midnight  =   17
4 Boyle Island         Midnight  ->  Tigerleaf Mountain   Cobalt    =   18
  Dugong Island        Midnight  ->  Spring Island        Midnight  =   18
2 Hadrian Island       Cobalt    ->  Carmine Island       Cobalt    =   18
  O'Reilly Island      Midnight  ->  Sakejima Island      Cobalt    =   18
  Swampfen Island      Cobalt    ->  Tigerleaf Mountain   Cobalt    =   18
  Turongo Island       Midnight  ->  Oyster Island        Midnight  =   18
5 Boyle Island         Midnight  ->  Garden Cradle        Cobalt    =   19
3 Lynx Island          Midnight  ->  Zeta Island          Midnight  =   19
  Moab Island          Cobalt    ->  Harmattan Island     Cobalt    =   19
5 The Horseshoe Crabs  Midnight  ->  Oyster Island        Midnight  =   19
  Cabo de Hornos       Cobalt    ->  Dragon's Nest        Cobalt    =   20
2 Echo Island          Cobalt    ->  Garden Cradle        Cobalt    =   20
2 Erh Island           Cobalt    ->  Napi Peak            Cobalt    =   20
  Hunter's Point       Cobalt    ->  Tigerleaf Mountain   Cobalt    =   20
4 Lynx Island          Midnight  ->  Byrne Island         Midnight  =   20
2 Macaw Island         Midnight  ->  Alpha Island         Midnight  =   20
8 Nuptial Island       Midnight  ->  Epsilon Island       Midnight  =   20
  Radix Island         Cobalt    ->  Charcoal Island      Cobalt    =   20
2 Rhinoceros Ridge     Midnight  ->  Tinga Island         Midnight  =   20
4 Tadpole Isle         Midnight  ->  Epsilon Island       Midnight  =   20
6 The Horseshoe Crabs  Midnight  ->  Cnossos Island       Midnight  =   20

Icon market.png   Fruits by type
Bananas | Carambolas | Coconuts | Durians | Limes
Mangos | Passion fruit | Pineapples | Pomegranates | Rambutan
Icon market.png   Fruits by ocean
Cerulean | Emerald | Meridian | Obsidian
Other commodities: Basic | Herbs | Minerals
Cloth | Dyes | Enamels | Paints