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Caissa is a senior officer and muse of the crew Six Pounders and a member of the flag Dies Irae on the Midnight Ocean.



Caissa was born on Cranberry Island, in the Ruby Archipelago of Midnight, on August 23, 2005. Her first crew was Silver Bulletts in the flag Caper's Capers. When Captain Floyd took his crew to Silver Dawn, Caissa stayed with Capers, now in the crew Pirates Internationale under Captain Dembones. She rose through the ranks to become first a senior officer, then a lady of the flag.

She quartermastered the blockade which won Winter Solstice for Caper's Capers in July 2006. When her friend Scysal started the crew Stars Above, Caissa joined and became first mate. The crew joined the flag Isla del Cielo, and Caissa became a lady once more. After a failed pirate marriage and the real-life death of her co-first mate, Caissa returned to Pirates Internationale to regroup; the crew welcomed her back with friendship and compassion.

On New Year's Eve, with her friends' blessing, she started her own crew, Morphy's Law. On January 26th, 2007, she and Captain Kevik of the Pirate Stage Company created a flag and incorporated their crews. Caissa named the flag The Chessmen, and Kevik bestowed the monarchy upon her under their mutual agreement that she would handle politics and diplomacy. Caissa is currently working her way through the list of 100 goals she set for herself as queen to complete by year's end. The flag Seraph's Nightmare has been of particular help in guiding her, and she was proud to return their kindness by performing Gunnery in their successful double blockade on March 25, 2007, in which they retained Hephaestus' Forge and gained Guava Island.

Caissa married Johnjuan, prince of Seraph's Nightmare and governor of Hephaestus' Forge, on her cutter, the As You Wish, on April 21, 2007.