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Braxi is a Senior Officer of the crew SATISfaction. She has sailed and traded on the Sage Ocean since August '06. Recently, she has been affiliated with the crew Rebels as a fleet officer, then was in the crew Notoriest Buccaneers before joining Wild Heart. It was there that she became an officer and before long, was offered the opportunity to become a founding officer in the crew Demon Angels. Working side by side with her captain, Cozzy, and fellow founding senior officers Laurel, Missd, and Tamla, they quickly brought crew fame to a recognized level.

In the long run, they ended up joining the flag Deadman's Vengeance, where Braxi was a member of the flag. Braxi now spends her days working with the crew and flag, as well as owning and managing various stalls throughout the Sage Ocean.

Contributions & Achievements