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Baroner was a pirate from Poland. He is lieutenant commander in the Sayers Rock Navy in the Ursa Archipelago on the Emerald Ocean.
Baroner started playing on December 24, 2010, after half a year in retirement. He had a very big goal - to start his own crew. On the 16th of January 2011, his goal was completed.
Baroner is good at Sailing, Carpenting, Alchemistry, Poker (of course) and Treasure Haul.
On the Hunter Ocean, his sloop Attractive Whitebait has been sunk, while his sloop Polite Mako continues to sail.
On the Malachite Ocean, he has the sloop Upright Clownfish.
Best achievements
- Captain in crew Straight Shoot - Hunter
- King in flag Pirates of Destruction - Hunter
- Officer in crew Black Beauty - Malachite
- Officer in crew Black Ice - Hunter
Baroner has navigated or admiraled in the following blockades:
Hunter |
Maximum puzzle standing
Piracy skills
- Sailing - Master (Malachite)
- Rigging - Master/Respected (Hunter)
- Carpentry - Renowned/Master (Hunter)
- Patching - Respected (Hunter)
- Gunning - Respected (Malachite)
- Treasure Haul - Legendary (Malachite)
- Bilging - Respected/Distinguished (Hunter)
- Navigation - Distinguished/Respected (Hunter)
- Battle Navigation - Master (Hunter)
- Swordfighting - Renowned (Malachite)
- Rumble - Grand-Master (Malachite)
Carousing skills
- Drinking - Master (Malachite)
- Spades - Renowned (Malachite)
- Hearts - Respected (Malachite)
- Treasure Drop - Respected (Malachite)
- Poker - Ultimate (Viridian)
Crafting skills
- Distilling - Proficient/Distinguished (Hunter)
- Alchemistry - Grand-Master/Renowed (Emerald)
- Shipwrighting - Respected (Hunter)
- Blacksmithing - Distinguished (Malachite)
- Foraging - Renowned/Master (Hunter)
- Weaving - Legendary (Malachite)