Azion is a fleet officer of the crew Zodiac knights and Lord of the flag Knight's Order. He sails the Hunter Ocean. He commands his flagship, the longship Death Angel.
Azion started as a pirate September 16, 2006. After a few days of playing, he joined the crew Knights Of The Sea, where he first got to know Xianchao and Pickpocket. After a month of service, he left the crew together with Xianchao and Pickpocket and joined a crew led by Guanping.
After some problems with Guan, he left and joined Scarlet Mist along with Xianchao and Pickpocket, under the command of Pimpernel. Here he got to know Survivor and his real life wife Angellass. Through the help of Survivor's elite pillages he earned a small fortune.
He stayed with Scarlet Mist for over a year, but then Pickpocket and Xianchao stopped playing Y!PP becouse of RL problems and because of fewer crew members online. He got an offer to join Royal Angels FWF Stars with the rank of senior officer. He took the offer and served under the command of Wattana and her right hands and best friends Fonticha And Fachana for a month but left again to find another crew.
Azion joined Serendity as a pirate and was promoted to officer after a week. He still had a lot of friends in Scarlet Mist and after some discussion, he was convinced by Wddc to join the crew again. He returned to serve as senior officer and trader under the command of captain Angellass.
Azion is known as a ship trader amongst his friends and he works for pirates if the price is right. He will always get the ship he was looking for and always for a price that suits the buyers he works for.
After much time Azion, finally got one of his ships renamed to Death Angel thanks to the help of Poorfarmer. He currently lives in a townhouse on Quetzal Island which he shares with his partner in crime, Wddc.
Azion's vessel and pride:
Longship |
In memory of 2 good friends
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