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Austingohard is a pirate on the Viridian Ocean. He is the captain of the crew Meridian Horror Story. He was previously known as Fable.


Fable was a pirate who started out on Napi Peak when he was a greenie. His ultimate goal was to one day have his own crew but that was still to come. Fable's first crew was Sick As a Parrot (SAAP), which today is gone. He had purchased many doubloons for several pirate badges, officer badges, and of course a captain badge. Fable one day went pillaging with SAAP and found himself on Sakejima Island where he then had to leave his hearties for a new crew which offered him officer status. He stayed with that crew for about 8 months until one day when he decided to finally make his own crew.

Fable's crew, Peglegged Justice didn't last long, for Fable's first mate tricked him out of his only ship leaving his crew poor and dormant. Soon Fable's captain badge wore away and there was no hope. About a year later Fable logged on to see if any of his crew was left, but sadly there were few, so he merged crews with his hearty Viridius and he was just fine. About two weeks after the merge Fable's spirits were very lifted when a player who would soon be quitting gave Fable his dog named Ty. Later, of course, Fable found out that if you typed Ty's name, the system would say "Thank Ye".

Later in his pirate life Fable found a good mate Captainjohny, who at the time was a captain and Fable was his first mate. Johny had a ironworking shoppe which if course Fable managed but after a while it got shut down, and the crew got merged. Fable then spent a long time looking for Captainjohny, but it took a while. One day he finally was logged on same day Johny was and he joined the crew Imperial Trading Society and became friends with the first 3 pirates in the crew, Captainjohny, Captajnblack, and Capnbrown. There crew reached 29 on top crews but continued to fall until they merged with Typhoon, they then got over 200 members and are making there way back up. Fable now is helping Johny with his new crew The Rum Smugglers and is managing Johny's new ironworking stall. Fable played for 5 years, and is currently retired. You'd be considered lucky if you caught him online.