Alliance rings (Obsidian)

From YPPedia

Alliance rings are closed alliance agreements made between two (or more) flags on the Obsidian Ocean. Due to the nature of the oceans mechanics, Shadow Fleet cannot officially form an alliance with Defiant Armada flags. Therefore, a page kept up to date of the official Alliance Rings has been generated.

On the Obsidian Ocean there are currently two major powers. Both alliance rings consist of flags within both Shadow Fleet and Defiant Armada, therefore a proper alliance ring will not display on the generic "YPP Dweeb Political Map" script-system.

Political updates and changelog

Active conflicts and wars

The participants must have an active Declaration of War for at least two weeks (13 days) to be considered an active conflict.

  • Illusion vs. null; actively contests and provokes blockades with other flags; prolonged proxy war/guerrilla war tactics.

Obsidian Ocean ring rosters

Obsidian Ring One

Alliance Ring #1

Islands: 2

Obsidian Ring Two

Alliance Ring #2

Islands: 2

Independent flags - These flags have (currently) chosen to stay politically neutral.


This page is publicly maintained by volunteers within the blockade scene on the Obsidian Ocean.

All pirates are encouraged to add their flags respectful to their political climate. The best option for new flags would be under independent flags. Flags joining an alliance ring, should ensure they do so properly. An original copy of the page is stored and/or will be replaced if any misinformation is submitted.

Pirates who would like to report, submit and/or provide updated information can add Syrupmaker on Discord, Syrupmaker#8019.

Official Obsidian Political Project Discord:


Script by: Syrupmaker

Script/website release date: Unknown

Project inspired by

Information, statistics: Antix, Syrupmaker, Shroomy