Aberzombie & Lich

From YPPedia
Aberzombie & Lich
Left-facing Tailor on
Aimuari Island (Orion Archipelago)
Emerald Ocean
Owner Hellkitty
Manager(s) Cirdan, Hellkittytwo, Zzynther and Dogindafog
Erected January 2007
Building-Emerald-Aberzombie & Lich.png

Aberzombie & Lich is a left-facing tailor shoppe on Aimuari Island on the Emerald Ocean. It was erected in January 2007 under the governance of the flag The Eye. It was then auctioned via the forums, and won by Gunnermooch for the price of 1.7 million PoE.

Aberzombie & Lich was later sold to Belle for an undisclosed amount of PoE.

In 2013, the building ownership had changed hands, and Hellkitty was now the current owner of the building.

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